I have a business need to be able ftp directly to a MSDOS
I setup an account called misclc. Then I created the
directory /home/misclc/floppy using the command 'mkdir -m 0777
/home/misclc/floppy'. Next I mounted the floppy using 'mount -t msdos
/dev/fd0 /home/misclc/floppy' This gives me full rights to the floppy even
when through ftp using the misclc account. It worked once. Now
everytime I mount the floppy, the rights on the directory become 'drxwrxwr
w' (I lose the write option for others.) This keeps me from copying
files to the floppy during an ftp session. I can unmount the floppy,
delete my 'floppy' directory, recreate it with full rights, but when I mount
again, I lose the write for others again. help.
Also, I haven't figured out the method to alter directory
rights after creation. Can this be done?
Troy Wolf.