Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: May 1999:
[aclug-L] Mail Server, Address Book

[aclug-L] Mail Server, Address Book

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To: "Air Capital Linux Users Group" <aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [aclug-L] Mail Server, Address Book
From: "Troy Wolf" <troy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 16:53:15 -0500
Reply-to: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx

I'm developing a Linux mail server for my corporation to replace the proprietary and antiquated mail server currently in use.
I think I know how to implement POP3 and IMAP and configure users access to mail accounts, but if any of you can direct me to some instructions detailing this (preferrably from this decade!  I don't need to read about UUCP mail connections!), I'd appreciate it.
My dilema is providing a public address book to my users.  This isn't a problem for an ISP, but for a corporate mail server, my users are used to having a public address book with employee email key customer email addresses.  This is a common feature of proprietary LAN email packages like Micro$oft Exchange, etc.
My users are using Micro$oft Outlook 97 (2000 when it's available), Outlook Express, and plain old windows inbox (messaging).
My research online and tips from users at the ACLUG meeting prompted me to investigate LDAP.  I now have a Linux server running openLDAP.  From the Linux server I can query the database just dandy!  (wheee!).  Outlook Express can access LDAP databases, so I tried to test with it, but
1) I can't find the LDAP server from the mail client.
Incorrect port # possibly?  Outlook Express is defaulting to port 389 for LDAP servers.  How do I see what port Linux is listening on for LDAP requests?
2) Outllook Express seems to only use LDAP databases to either "find" or "verify" email addresses--not as a selectable list of public email addresses.  So after this, I'm not sure LDAP can provide my public address book solution.
I'm a little surprised that this is even an issue--a public address book should be a fairly common feature of mail systems.  I'm especially surprised that the mail client software can't simply be configured to use a shared text file for email addresses and names.
Troy Wolf
ICQ 25970861

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