Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: March 1999:
Re: [aclug-L] Powered By Linux squares

Re: [aclug-L] Powered By Linux squares

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To: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [aclug-L] Powered By Linux squares
From: "Jeffrey L. Hansen" <jhansen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 22:44:07 -0600

As for me, it would depend what they cost per copy. I found a great deal on refurbished IBM P70 monitors and my wife is about to take my allowance away (bought two).

At 10:36 PM 3/27/99 -0500, you wrote:

"Jeffrey L. Hansen" <jhansen@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

Are they otherwise available to those of us who aren't considered lucky
enough to have them as gifts/prizes?

Yes, but only in lots of 50.  If y'all would like, I suppose ACLUG
could go and purchase a set of 50 and sell them at cost.  Is there
interest in this?

I only have home built computers so there are ample places for them (I
would like to place them on a few machines at work as a wish, too.  >:-)

Hehe :-)

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