Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: January 1999:
Re: [aclug-L] Fw: Take the Linux Plunge?

Re: [aclug-L] Fw: Take the Linux Plunge?

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To: <aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [aclug-L] Fw: Take the Linux Plunge?
From: "Greg House" <ghouse@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 23:47:31 -0600
Reply-to: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Nate Bargmann wrote:

>Joseph Rose wrote:
>> >     Linux has become so popular people are sneaking it
>> >     into workplaces. Sooner or later they'll get caught.
>> >     So it makes more sense to persuade the boss to give
>> >     Linux a try. Come to the site; I've got a slew of
>> >     arguments you can use, plus reasons other companies
>> >     are choosing Linux.
>If I'm not mistaken, isn't this how PCs made their debut into most
>companies in the early '80s?  At least the lore I've heard over the
>years attributes PC acceptance in the workplace to this.

Not where I worked.  They bought us one and we didn't really know what to do
with it.  All we used it for was word processing.  It was clunky and slow
and didn't really do anything very interesting.

I liked my VT100 better...


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