Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: announce: January 2002:
[announce] Next meeting.

[announce] Next meeting.

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To: announce@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [announce] Next meeting.
From: Clint Brubakken <cabrubak@xxxxxxx>
Date: 31 Jan 2002 13:59:20 -0600
Reply-to: announce@xxxxxxxxx

We want to discuss the future of ACLUG and the results of our survey at
our next meeting and we'd like to know when would be best for you to
have the meeting. 

We are thinking sometime next week so if you could email info@xxxxxxxxx
and tell us what evening you are available. 

And of course if you haven't please fill out the survey : 

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  • [announce] Next meeting., Clint Brubakken <=