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FREE Linux Install August 24 (ACLUG

FREE Linux Install August 24 (ACLUG

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To: aclug-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: FREE Linux Install August 24 (ACLUG
From: John Goerzen (ACLUG) <aclug@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 13 Aug 1998 09:49:11 -0500
Reply-to: aclug@xxxxxxxxxxxx


We have a new Linux install fest coming up on August 24.  Please see
the details on our website at or

Even if you are not bringing a computer to install Linux on, you are
welcome to attend to just watch what is going on or experiment with
Linux on a different computer.  If you will be bringing a computer,
please visit our website and register beforehand -- it's free.

We will be installing Debian GNU/Linux 2.0.  If you had Debian
installed at one of our free installations in spring, we will upgrade
your machine to 2.0 if you wish.  If you already own a copy of RedHat
5.0 or 5.1, we can install that instead if you prefer, but we will not
furnish CDs of it -- you must bring your own.

Here's part of the announcement on the website for your convenience:

              Free Linux Installation -- Monday, August 24, 1998


Contact: John Goerzen <aclug@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 316-978-5616

Location: Jabara Hall at WSU (see details)

Time / Date: Monday, August 24, 1998. We expect to be open from 2 PM
   until at least 9:30 PM. Bring your computer anytime between 2 and 7:30
   PM and expect to spend at least 2 hours at ACLUG. Please bring your
   computer in the afternoon if possible as the evening will be busier.

Miscellaneous: Machine requirements apply. Pre-registration is
   required. You need not register if you are only coming to watch or
   visit; only if you are bringing a computer. If bringing a computer,
   please see the "what to bring" section. This event is free and open
   to the public. Announcements are posted to the aclug-announce
   mailing list. You are encouraged to come and watch even if you
   aren't getting Linux installed on your own computer.

   Over the past half year, the Air Capital Linux Users Group has
   sponsored a large number of events. We figure that it is time to once
   again hold a Free Linux Installation in the Wichita area!
   So, you want the world's most popular free operating system for
   yourself? Great! Just bring your computer to ACLUG and experienced
   ACLUG people will install Linux on your computer for you -- for free!
   And if you like what you see, we will also have Linux CDs for sale
   ($10 or less) so that you can have the entire system on CD if you want
   to install additional software or reinstall.
   Note: Please [9]register if you plan to come so we can determine how
   much space to reserve. Thanks!
  What to bring
   Bring the following items along:
     * Your computer itself
     * Mouse and keyboard
     * Your monitor, if you would like us to install the graphical
       interface for Linux (reccommended)
     * Cables for connecting the monitor, if necessary
     * Documentation that came with your computer. Specifically, we need
       to know the following information:
          + Amount of RAM (main memory) in your computer
          + Amount of hard disk space, and type of hard disk
          + Type of sound card, if any.
          + Any other components installed
          + Horizontal and vertical refresh rates of your monitor.
   Don't worry if you don't have all of this; we can figure most of it
   out ourselves. The horizontal and vertical refresh rates are the
   hardest to detect; it is very helpful if you bring along your
   monitor's documentation if you have it.
   NOTE: Please back up your data before arriving. While ACLUG will take
   steps to insure the safety of your data, installing an OS can destroy
   existing data in some cases. We will try to set it up so that your
   existing OS, if any, can still be booted but you may need to reinstall
   the existing OS in some cases if you wish to dual boot into it.
   If you have any questions, or don't have some of the above things,
   don't worry! We can probably get Linux installed for you anyway; the
   above materials just make it easier. E-mail us at
   [10]aclug@xxxxxxxxxxxx if you have any questions.
  What NOT to bring
   We'll have equipment on hand; you don't need to bring along the
   following things unless you really, really want to <grin>
     * Printer
     * Power strips
     * Any other external components
   Your computer should meet these minimum requirements:
     * 250 meg hard disk space free minimum; 1 gig reccommended. You
       should have this much space free BEFORE arriving.
     * If you want us to set up your system in dual-boot mode (where you
       can choose either Linux or DOS/Win95 at startup), you must have at
       least DOS 6.0 or Windows 95. NOTE: If you have Windows 95 OSR2 or
       Windows 98 with FAT32, you MUST backup important data before
       arriving. You can dual-boot into those systems, but we cannot
       preserve your original data in most cases and you'll simply have
       to reinstall Windows.
     * You should have at least 8 megs of RAM.
     * You'll need a CD-ROM drive for installation (we provide the CD;
       you can purchase your own if you want, but this is not required)
     * For the graphical interface, you should have at least a VGA
   If you don't know if your computer meets these requirements, and you
   bought it sometime within the past few years, it is probably OK.
   We will have the Free Linux Installation event in Jabara Hall on the
   main east campus of Wichita State University. ACLUG has assembled some
   [11]driving instructions for your convenience. We will be on the
   second floor of Jabara Hall and will post the exact room number when
   it is known. Watch here for updates.
  Please Register
   Please register online at


   3. mailto:aclug@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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  12. mailto:aclug@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  13. mailto:jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx

John Goerzen   Linux, Unix consulting & programming   jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx |
Developer, Debian GNU/Linux (Free powerful OS upgrade) |
Visit the Air Capital Linux Users Group on the web at

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