Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: webdev: October 2003:
[webdev] questions

[webdev] questions

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To: webdev@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [webdev] questions
From: Tom Hull <thull2@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 01:19:06 -0600
Reply-to: webdev@xxxxxxxxx

Dale & I are scheduled to do some sort of presentation on the
ACLUG website next meeting. I have a couple of questions (mostly
for Dale here):

  1) There was talk about moving the site to a faster machine and
     connection -- JA has some sort of deal there. Has that been

  2) What pieces of software are on the website? This would
     include the postnuke release #, any independent modules
     added, and any files (as opposed to database data) that
     have been manually added, such as the "about ACLUG" page.

I would also appreciate any questions or comments you have
about the website -- give us something to build the presentation
around. (Mostly to date I've heard things like "how do I work
with it?")

  *  Tom Hull * thull2( *

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