Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: webdev: June 2002:
[webdev] meeting notes

[webdev] meeting notes

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To: webdev@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [webdev] meeting notes
From: Tom Hull <thull@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2002 20:27:30 -0500
Reply-to: webdev@xxxxxxxxx

We had a webdev meeting last night. Attending were: John Alexander,
Dale Hodge, Tom Hull, James Violette. We reviewed the state of the
web server, and covered most of the agenda items. James Violette
has a more detailed set of notes. I'll just provide some highlights

 1) Mail connection: we need to open up a path for outside mail to
    get to Longer term, we need to
    set up aliases for forwarding monitored mail.

 2) CVS issues: we agreed to use a Writers file to specify who has
    cvs write access independent of machine accounts; we agreed to
    split the aclug-specific content tree off from the main bulk
    of openacs code.

 3) Development sandbox: we want to provide a second copy of the
    website on the server, which can be used as a testing sandbox
    before committing changes. This should be easier than people
    having to set up their own development servers (although the
    latter approach will still be possible).

 4) We want to set up bugzilla to track bugs and enhancement
    requests. (To do this the server needs to be reconfigured
    to handle CGI. We also talked about moving the wiki, which
    can be used as a temporary discussion board.)

 5) We talked a bit about backups.

 6) We talked about conversion from the old website. We agreed
    that we need a checklist of requirements that we need to
    meet before we point at the new webserver.
    This checklist needs to be developed by the committee.

We didn't get much into content or module issues. We need to keep
working on a functional worklist, which will soon be managed by

It was felt that additional face-to-face meetings would be useful.
One suggestion was every-other-week. No time/date were set for
the next meeting. We should discuss this on the webdev maillist.

 *  Tom Hull * thull at *

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