Re: HUGE list of folders
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Hi Ajeet,
Wow, that sounds like a pretty lame imap server!
At any rate, it ought to be possible to overcome. I'll paste some
snippets from my config files:
snippets from ~/.offlineimaprc:
accounts = david1, etc....
pythonfile = /home/david/.offlineimap/
[Account david1]
localrepository = local-david1
remoterepository = remote-david1
[Repository remote-david1]
folderfilter = exclude_junk_folders
foldersort = mycmp
# note you can use foldersort to check the important folder(s) first
snippets from /home/david/.offlineimap/
junk_re = re.compile('^junk ', re.IGNORECASE)
def exclude_junk_folders (fn):
return not junk_re.match(fn)
cmpdict = {}
defaulval = 1 # prioritized values start at 0 and go down
def mycmp(x, y):
if cmpdict=={}: return cmp(x,y)
if x in cmpdict: xp=cmpdict[x]
else: xp=1
if y in cmpdict: yp=cmpdict[y]
else: yp=1
if (xp<yp): return -1
elif (xp>yp): return +1
return cmp (x,y)
Good luck!
On Tuesday 23 September 2008 10:16 pm, Ajeet wrote:
> Hi guys,
> My imap server unfortunately lists all the files / folders in the home
> directory as an IMAP folder (I have symlinks to all sorts of package
folders) .
> So while syncing, offlineimap takes a long time just to get the one
folder that
> I really want to sync. This happens even if I specify the -f option.
Is there
> someway to overcome this?
> Thanks.
> --
> Regards,
> Ajeet