Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: February 2008:
Re: Migrating to GMail

Re: Migrating to GMail

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To: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Migrating to GMail
From: Raffi Khatchadourian <khatchad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 22:17:14 +0100

On Thu 14.Feb'08 at 13:59:17 -0700, Nathan Ekstrom wrote:
>I currently maintain an email server for my extended family.  I'm 
>considering switching to using Google email application for domains.  My 
>biggest concern is migrating all of the email up to the Google servers.  
>I've started experimenting with offlineimap for this and am wondering if 
>any one has any pointers.  My local system uses Courrier as an imap 
>server using maildir style mail directories.  What I am having trouble 
>doing is pushing the mail up.  Thanks for any suggestions.

Have you tried fetchmail?

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