Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: December 2007:
using offline imap to transfer imap from one host to another

using offline imap to transfer imap from one host to another

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To: offlineimap <offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: using offline imap to transfer imap from one host to another
From: "Scott Lipcon" <slipcon@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:28:41 -0500

I'm trying to use offlineimap to transfer from one imap server to another.
So far I've managed to sync the first server to a local tree, but I am
having a very hard time convincing it to sync to the new imap server (gmail)

I've tried creating a new Repository entry in .offlineimaprc  and changing
the existing Account,  I've tried making a new Account, I've tried changing
the original Remote repository to point to the new server.

Any ideas?     Any other experiences transferring from a remote imap server
to gmail's imap?   (I tried imapsync, it goes very very slowly, and dies on
random messages)


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