Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: February 2007:
IMAP server migration probelm

IMAP server migration probelm

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To: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Mark Bath <Mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: IMAP server migration probelm
From: Mark Bath <Mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 10:14:17 +0000

I am migrating between two cyrus IMAP servers and have run into a  

offlineimap keeps crashing out with AssertionError. On enabling debug  
I have tracked the problem down, but am unsure how best to resolve.

The offlineimap debug showed up an issue associated with invalid  

It seems that I have emails from a previous migration that have the  
first line of the header as

 From [ADDRESS]  Sat Aug 14 17:53:09 2004^M

As a test I removed this line from an email and it synch'd OK.  
Looking at the emails that had already synch'd, none of them had this  
line in the header.

I have a few thousand emails pre 2004 when I must have done my last  
migration. Editing them by hand is not an option. Does anyone have  
any suggestions?



Mark Bath
Fingerprint = 3F69 3898 21E9 42D0 D328  FA3F 8767 8357 0A2A A0E2

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