Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: June 2004:
Re: Courier IMAP Srv.: sync Maildir

Re: Courier IMAP Srv.: sync Maildir

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To: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Courier IMAP Srv.: sync Maildir
From: Heiko Heil <heiko.heil@xxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 23:40:16 +0200

Hello Aron,

* Aron Griffis <agriffis@xxxxxxxxxx> [06/14/2004 12:22]:
> The sample configuration file distributed with offlineimap explains
> this clearly.  Please read it.

I only found the following snippet concerning Courier:

,----[ sample configuration ]
| [...]
| # You can specify a folder translator.  This must be a eval-able
| # Python expression that takes a foldername arg and returns the new
| # value.  I suggest a lambda.  This example below will remove "INBOX." from
| # the leading edge of folders (great for Courier IMAP users)
| #
| # WARNING: you MUST construct this such that it NEVER returns
| # the same value for two folders, UNLESS the second values are
| # filtered out by folderfilter below.  Failure to follow this rule
| # will result in undefined behavior
| #
| nametrans = lambda foldername: re.sub('^INBOX.', '', foldername)
| [...]

But I want *real* sub-folders in my Maildir-structure:

result                        my desired view
~/Mail/lists.mutt-dev         ~/Mail/lists/mutt-dev
~/Mail/lists.netfilter        ~/Mail/lists/netfilter

I want to "browse" in my mail-folders (via mutt) and don't want to
access them directly (e.g. select lists.netfilter).  The nametrans-entry
in the example only removes "INBOX." from the leading edge of folders,
but not between the subfolder-structure.  Can you give me an example how
to convert those subfolders generic?


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