Re: courier-imap + evolution
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On Wed, 2004-04-28 at 21:45, John Goerzen wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 28, 2004 at 09:30:12PM +0200, gabor wrote:
> > but now, when using offlineimap,
> > i have 'gnome' and 'gnome.nautilus'.
> >
> > can i somehow make offlineimap work like that?
> >
> > i think i could make a nametrans which would map it to the correct
> > 'gnome/nautilus' but would then offlineimap create the correct entries?
> Just say:
> sep = /
> in your config file. You shouldn't need to mess with folderfilter IIRC.
i did's better now, but it's still failing...
i attached my .offlineimaprc (personal info removed) and the error i
can offlineimap handle folders in folders?
i mean i have "vienna", which contains mails, and also have
"vienna/cvs", which also contains mails....
from the errorlog it seems that offlineimap asks python to create the
vienna/cvs, and later asks it to create vienna, which fails, because the
folder vienna already exists (of course)...
-- Attached file included as plaintext by Ecartis --
-- File: offlineimaprc
accounts = theOnly
ui = Noninteractive.Quiet
[Account theOnly]
localrepository = local
remoterepository = z10n
[Repository local]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/Mail
[Repository z10n]
type = IMAP
remotehost = something
remoteuser = gabor
remotepass = something
ssl = yes
nametrans = lambda name: re.sub("\.","/",re.sub("^INBOX.","",name))
sep = /
-- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Ecartis --
-- Type: text/x-log
-- File: offlineimap.log