Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: September 2002:
UID validity problems with INBOX.INBOX

UID validity problems with INBOX.INBOX

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To: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: UID validity problems with INBOX.INBOX
From: Michael de Beer <madebeer@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 23:28:20 -0700


I a am a recent, happy user of offlineimap

I do get this warning --

WARNING: UID validity problem for folder INBOX.INBOX; skipping it

After the warning it says:

OfflineIMAP 3.2.7 (Rev 246)

and goes on along happily.

From my rc file, I have thise two lines:

metadata = ~/.offlineimap
accounts = Fastmail

I looked in ~/.offlineimap/Fastmail
There is no file called INBOX.INBOX

I probably have done something wierd in my testing out various
imapoffline sync programs.  

Any ideas?


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