Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: July 2002:
OfflineIMAP 3.1.1 released

OfflineIMAP 3.1.1 released

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To: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: OfflineIMAP 3.1.1 released
From: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 07:49:25 -0500


This morning, OfflineIMAP 3.1.1 was unleashed on an unsuspecting world. 
It's faster, leaner, meaner, non-filling, and has a spiffy new version

From the changelog:

offlineimap (3.1.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Modified and folder/ to run faster.  Eliminated
    many regular expressions; pre-compiled many others.
  * Fixed threadutil's exitnotifyloop to always handle threads in the order
    they exited, rather than sometimes in the inverse order.  This way,
    make sure to handle thread's exception messages before a thread exited.
  * Replaced's braindead readline() with a more efficient one.
  * More optimizations to imaputil and folders for faster operation.
  * These optimizations, all together, have resulted in OfflineIMAP
    using approximately half the CPU time of previous versions, fixing
    [ #6], and... Closes: #153503.

John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>    GPG: 0x8A1D9A1F

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