Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: May 2003:
[linux-help] dsl router recomendations

[linux-help] dsl router recomendations

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To: kulua-l@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] dsl router recomendations
From: Michael Osten <mosten@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 02 May 2003 21:07:55 -0500
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

My DSL router died a firmware death last night and I am hoping to get a
recommendation on a replacement.  I was using a Gigafast 4 port router,
but it mostly sucked on features, and the latest firmware caused to to
die under load.  I ran to Walmart and bought a cheap linksys (network
everywhere) router, but it is a little strange.  First thing is that in
port forwarding ftp (port 21 external, port 21 internal) the router
accepts connections from the external world on port 21 and promptly
forwards them to port 22 on the internal network.  Great if you want to
SSH with a ftp client.  The router supports SNMP, however, I'll be
damned if I can get it to do anything.

What is most important:

stability- that's why I'm buying an appliance, I do not ever have to
think about it.

SNMP, or sysloging- I would very much like to be able to use it with
Snort.  I'm almost to the point of just buying a used PIX.


Michael Osten

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