Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: September 2001:
[linux-help] potato webmail

[linux-help] potato webmail

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] potato webmail
From: Nathan <ncozzens@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 23:01:08 -0600
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx


I warranted my 30GB hard drive.  Easier than I thought 
it would be.  Western Digital was great about 
it.  Thanks for the advice on that.

I'm still trying to decide on packages for my system 
(Debian - Potato).  I want an IMAP server.  I think 
I've decided on Courier.  And then I want some form of 
secure webmail access to that IMAP server.  I'm 
guessing the secure part will come from the version of 
web server I choose.   (apache-ssl  vs.  apache)   Is 
this a true assumption?

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