Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: hpcomm: June 2002:
Moving ROM Library to RAM

Moving ROM Library to RAM

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To: hpcomm@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Moving ROM Library to RAM
From: "Irl W Smith" <Irl_W_Smith@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 08:43:03 -0400

Is there a way to move a ROM card library into a RAM card? I recently
acquired a 1MB RAMcard and would like to move a couple of my ROM libraries
into it.
  ,_______     Irl W. Smith            <opticsmith@xxxxxxxx>
 (/_|_/|_/    Raytheon Lexington Labs   Phone: +1 781 860 3136
 /__|/_|/)   131 Spring Street            FAX: +1 781 860 3233
_ _ _ _ _ _ Lexington, MA 02421 USA

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