Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: hpcomm-dev: May 2000:
New beta-test version of HPComm available

New beta-test version of HPComm available

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To: HPComm Mailing List <hpcomm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, HPComm Developer Mailing List <hpcomm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: New beta-test version of HPComm available
From: Mitch Davis <mjd@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 10:57:37 +1000

Hello HPComm friends,

Thank you to those kind people who have tried beta testing
HPComm and HPComm38.  If you haven't, please help us.

There have been a number of bugs reported in both, so I
am producing new betas for testing.  The beta for HPComm
(3.0r4b2) is ready now, and the beta for HPComm38 will be
released later today.

The beta testing page has been updated with the new links,
the bugs that were found, and what has changed.

If you have any questions or problems, please direct them to
the HPComm mailing list.  (See
for details).


Mitch & James.
| mailto:mjd@xxxxxxxxxx       | Not the official view of: |
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| Certified Linux Evangelist! | Hewlett Packard Australia |

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  • New beta-test version of HPComm available, Mitch Davis <=