[gopher] Geomyidae-0.10 (formerly Gopherd_BSD)
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Hey Gopherheads,
Thought I ought to let you know about this as Mr. Lohmann hasn't
posted anything. Geomyidae (formerly Gopherd_BSD) has had quite
a bit of work done on it the past several months and now has many
of the attributes of the full-feature gophers (ex. PYGopherd &
Bucktooth) without the scripting language dependencies (ex. Perl
& Python), making it useful for smaller systems.
Geomyidae now supports:
- CGI scripting w/ search support
- built-in http redirects
- logging w/ selectable log levels
- gopher menus via index.gph files
- directory listings (if no index.gph file present)
- configurable user, group, IP, port settings
Anyways, I've been helping test Geomyidae but it would be nice
to get more testers, so if you've got the time and inclination
point your browser at
(yes, he now has a gopher presence)
I'm also working on a Unix-style man page for Geomyidae and would
appreciate input from others, particularly experiences with setup,
scripting, logging, etc. Compiling issues should be sent to the
Jeff W.
Simple Machines - gopher://jgw.mdns.org
- [gopher] Geomyidae-0.10 (formerly Gopherd_BSD),
SiMpLe MaChInEs <=