[gopher] Z39.50 gateway
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Hello all,
I am looking to replace my servers current full text system (a
homegrown mix of grep and sed) which is very slow. Based on what I've looked
at, I am going to be replacing it with Isearch.
I found one Gopher+ gateway at
ftp://boombox.micro.umn.edu/pub/gopher/Unix/gopher-gateways/go4zgate but unless
you all feel like implementing Gopher+ is Mozila or somethig, I don't plan on
using that. :)
So my question is, does anyone know of any other Gopher to Z39.50 gateways?
If not, I'll just have to make my own front end.
Benn Newman | newmanbe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | gopher://igneous-rock.homeunix.net
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (NetBSD)
- [gopher] Z39.50 gateway,
Benn Newman <=