Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: July 2002:
[gopher] Re: [Bug 71916] security problem with gopher and arbitary ports

[gopher] Re: [Bug 71916] security problem with gopher and arbitary ports

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To: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gopher] Re: [Bug 71916] security problem with gopher and arbitary ports
From: "Aaron J. Angel" <aangel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 22 Jul 2002 23:11:07 -0500
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx

> I think you may have missed some of the sarcasm and rhetorical questions in
> my message, so I'll just omit replies to those...

I was agreeing with you, with more rhetorical banter.  (-:

> > The point was Gopher URLs and (ab)using the Gopher protocol can be used
> > to simulate virtually any protocol, including SMTP (read down a little
> > further on the comments, there's an example with SMTP).
> It's pretty trivial to do that with IMAP too, since "GET " forms the
> beginning of any IMAP command.

That's my point, but this is all done with a Gopher URL:


The argument for this bug, however, is that the following could be used:

        gopher://imap.server.tld/...buffer overflow attack...

From the wrong point of view, the problem is this could be used with any
protocol against any susceptable server, using a Gopher URL, hence Moz
must protect the world from themselves.

The bug was ``fixed'' in such a way because the developers felt it was
somehow impairing Mozilla users, or some such nonsense (and I emphasize
nonsense).  I was simply pointing out the argument of the bug ``fix''.

Aaron J. Angel <aangel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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