[gopher] Re: Javascript Gopher Navigator
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Well, since I have more non-working Opera versions than working version
I don't think that javascript (at least in this configuration) is not
a really good idea.
Anyway, I'm thinking about serving gopher content through HTTP. The basic
idea is to have a HTTP protocol connector on port 80 with a "gopher type to
HTML" translator for the gopher types 0, 1 and 7 (binary types are served
as-is). Type 0 files could be directly stored as HTML on the server (ok,
the UMN client will not be able to display it but HTML to text/plain is
an alternative).
For types 1 and 7 some creativity is required mut I tend to think about
frames here, one frame for the directory listing and on for the content.
I don't think that it's really hard work to tell a pure gopher client to
do HTTP if neccessary. Notice that such a client can still request gopher0/+
content types from an HTTP server since looking from the HTTP side the
various gopher types are simply different content types.
> > I've installed a simple javascript gopher navigator on my server. You
> > can take a look at it under
> >
> > gopher://gopher.happy-ent.de/hh/nav.x/gopher.menu
> >
> > Right now the code runs only with MS IE 5.x, I don't know why Opera does
> > not work.
>Netscape doesn't like it much either. It *is* nice in MSIE, though,
>although I occasionally got some 'host not found' errors when expanding
>parts of the tree.
Wolfgang Zekoll