Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: April 2002:
[gopher] Pygopherd is in beta test

[gopher] Pygopherd is in beta test

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To: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gopher] Pygopherd is in beta test
From: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 16:42:37 -0500
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx


Today, I have switched over to Pygopherd.  I found some more 
bugs really fast <grin>, and now everything is running smoothly.

Pygopherd 0.9.0 has been released.  I'm including a from-memory 
changelog and, at the bottom, the default configuration file so you can 
see how the configuration system works.  I should mention that some 
parts of the configuration file are actually interpreted as Python 
expressions when it's loaded (most notably, the lists and hashes in 

* CompressedFileHandler to support transparent de-compression of files 
before sending them on to the clients.  It works based on the detected 
MIME encoding, so it tends to be more accurate than other mechanisms.

* UMNDirHandler now does extension stripping for menus like UMN gopherd 
does.  It is also configurable to determine exactly how this stripping 
is done.

* Lots of bugfixes, many of them with UMN stuff.

* Pygopherd can now run chroot and can drop root privileges.

* Moved to a more-correct MIME type value when encodings are present.  I 
believe that this is now the most accurate MIME type calculation code in 
any Gopher server.

* Made a Debian package available.

* Added logging capabilities.  Can log nowhere, to stdout, or to 
syslog.  A sample log line is:

Apr 10 16:29:31 pi pygopherd[20915]: 
[GopherProtocol/UMNDirHandler]: /Government/USA/Enron

* Made mimetypes a searchable path.

* Added for installing pygopherd system-wide

* Added ability to specify aliased server name.

* Added scriptexec handler to execute arbitrary scripts in a Bucktooth 

* Added support for gopher search requests to all protocols save HTTP.

* Maildirs are now supported.

Config file:



# Network

# The server name to present to the world.  If you do not specify it
# here, Pygopherd will attempt to figure it out automatically.
# servername =

# What port to listen on.  If not running as root, this must be
# greater than 1024.

port = 70

# Type of server to run.  Valid options are ForkingTCPServer
# and ThreadingTCPServer.  ForkingTCPServer is highly recommended
# for now.

servertype = ForkingTCPServer

# Security

## Whether or not to use chroot.
# This option is only valid if you are running pygopherd as root!

usechroot = yes

## Username and groupname to setreuid/setregid to.  Valid only if
## starting pygopherd as root.  Comment out if you don't want this

setuid = gopher
setgid = gopher

# Filesystem and MIME

# Where the documents are stored.

root = /var/gopher

# Location of a file to use to figure out MIME types.  You can
# specify multiple files here -- just separate them with a colon.

mimetypes = /etc/pygopherd/mime.types:/etc/mime.types

# Encodings.  You can use the default with the following syntax.  The
# mimetypex.encodings_map is {'.Z': 'compress', '.gz': 'gzip'}.
# For ease of use in the config file, we specify this as a list of
# tuples.  You can convert any hash to a list of tuples by using .items()

# encoding = mimetypes.encodings_map.items()

# You can override the default entirely (ie, to remove those) like this:

# encoding = {'.bz2' : 'bzip2', '.gz' : 'gzip'}.items()
# Or the same thing:
# encoding = [('.bz2', 'bzip2'), ('.gz', 'gzip')]

# Or, you can extend the default like so:

encoding = mimetypes.encodings_map.items() + \
           {'.bz2' : 'bzip2'

# Logging


# Log method to use.  One of:
#  syslog -- use Unix syslog facility
#  stdout -- log to standard output
#  none   -- no logging

logmethod = syslog

# If you enable syslog, you will need to define these as well:

# priority -- one of the following (listed in order of high to low):

priority = LOG_INFO

# Facility -- one of the following:

facility = LOG_LOCAL3


# Settings for gopher objects


# Use this MIME type if no other type is found.
defaultmimetype = text/plain

# Mapping from MIME types to gopher0 single-character types.
# This is a list of lists.  The first entry in each list is a
# regexp to match and the second is the result.
# Please have a .* at the end to map all unknown types to a certain
# character.  For best results, that character should be nicely
# corresponding to the defaultmimetype.

mapping = [['text/html', 'h'],
         ['text/.+', '0'],
         ['application/mac-binhex40', '4'],
         ['audio/.+', 's'],
         ['image/gif', 'g'],
         ['image/.+', 'I'],
        ['application/gopher-menu', '1'],
        ['application/gopher\+-menu', '1'],
         ['multipart/mixed', 'M'],
         ['application/.+', '9'],
         ['.*', '0']


# Handler multiplexer


# A list of the handlers to consider.  The handlers
# are tried in the order listed.
### Suggested settings:
# Note: the UMNDirHandler will handle all directories, even if they
# do not have UMN-specific files, so you do not need to list the
# dirhandler in this case.
# Warning: scriptexec and pyg can execute arbitrary code stored in
# your path.  Don't enable unless you know what you're doing!
# For UMN emulation:  (full UMN featureset excluding scriptexec, no 
# handlers = [url.HTMLURLHandler, UMN.UMNDirHandler,
#             html.HTMLFileTitleHandler,
#             mbox.MBoxMessageHandler, mbox.MBoxFolderHandler,
#             file.CompressedFileHandler, file.FileHandler]
# For Bucktooth emulation:  (full Buck featureset excluding scriptexec)
#handlers = [gophermap.BuckGophermapHandler, url.HTMLURLHandler,
#             file.FileHandler, dir.DirHandler]
# For full Pygopherd featureset excluding scripts, compression, and PYG.
# Supports both UMN and Bucktooth featuresets.  This is the default
# configuration for Pygopherd because it is secure yet versatile.

handlers = [url.HTMLURLHandler, gophermap.BuckGophermapHandler,
             mbox.MaildirFolderHandler, mbox.MaildirMessageHandler,
             UMN.UMNDirHandler, html.HTMLFileTitleHandler,
             mbox.MBoxMessageHandler, mbox.MBoxFolderHandler,

# For full Pygopherd featureset including scripts and PYG.  Same as
# above but adds scripts, decompression, and PYG execution.

#handlers = [url.HTMLURLHandler, gophermap.BuckGophermapHandler,
#            mbox.MaildirFolderHandler, mbox.MaildirMessageHandler,
#            UMN.UMNDirHandler, html.HTMLFileTitleHandler,
#            mbox.MBoxMessageHandler, mbox.MBoxFolderHandler,
#            pyg.PYGHandler, scriptexec.ExecHandler,
#            file.CompressedFileHandler, file.FileHandler]

# Decompressing file handler


# Decompressors is a map from an encoding (as specified in the
# pygopherd section above) to a decompression program.
# The decompression program must
# accept the input in its stdin and write the decompressed output
# to stdout.
# If you do not want to decompress things automatically for your
# clients, you might wish to NOT use this handler.
# Note: this feature is probably NOT compatible with chroot unless
# you take extra precautions.

# We enable no decompressors by default... you'll need to do that.

decompressors = {}

#decompressors = {'bzip2': 'bzcat',
#              'gzip' : 'zcat',
#              'compress' : 'zcat'}

# Regexp to match against filenames pending decompression.
# The default will let ALL files be decompressed.

decompresspatt = .*

# You can be more restrictive:

# decompresspatt = \.txt\.(bz2|gz|Z)$

# Directory handler

# A regular expression of files to ignore.  These files
# will not be presented in lists of files to clients,
# but if clients know the exact path to the files, they can
# still be requested.
# This pattern is matched against the requested selector.
# Selectors are guaranteed to begin with a slash by this point.
# and never end with a slash unless they consist solely of a slash.
# By default, we ignore files starting with a period, gophermap
# files, and files ending with a tilde.
# The default emulates UMN's default plus buck.
# A buck-only server might like:
# ignorepatt = ~$|/\.|/gophermap$

ignorepatt = 

# Expiration time, in seconds, for the cache.
# Set to 0 to disable caching entirely.

cachetime = 180

# Name of the cahe file.  Must be set to something even if the cachetime
# is zero.  In that case, this filename will not be used but for the conf
# file to parse, it must still be set.

cachefile = .cache.pygopherd.dir

# UMN Directory Handler


# Extension stripping behavior.  When a file from a directory
# is presented in a menu, and no name is given, what to do?
# For instance, given a file Welcome.txt and pygopherd.tar.gz:
# If extstrip is none, present Welcome.txt and pygopherd.tar.gz in the
# menu.
# If extstrip is nonencoded, modify only those files that do not
# have encodings.  (If CompressedFileHandler is used, modify only
# those files that to not have *HANDLED* encodings.)
# If gzip is NOT a handled encoding, you'd get names Welcome and
# pygopherd.tar.gz.  If gzip IS a handled encoding, you'd get
# Welcome and pygopherd.
# If extstrip is full, modify all modifyable names.  Welcome.txt ->
# Welcome and pygopherd.tar.gz -> pygopherd.

# extstrip = none
extstrip = nonencoded
# extstrip = full


# Protocol Multiplexer


# A list of the protocols to consider for each request.
# The protocols are tried in the order listed.

protocols = [http.HTTPProtocol,
              gopherp.GopherPlusProtocol, rfc1436.GopherProtocol]

# Gopher+ Protocol

# The name and e-mail of the administrator
admin = Unconfigured Pygopherd Admin <pygopherd@nowhere.nowhere>

# HTTP Protocol

iconmapping = {'h' : 'text.gif',
             '0' : 'text.gif',
             '4' : 'binhex.gif',
             's' : 'sound1.gif',
             'g' : 'image3.gif',
             'I' : 'image3.gif',
             'M' : 'text.gif',
             '9' : 'binary.gif',
             '1' : 'folder.gif',
             'i' : 'blank.gif'}

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