Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: March 2002:
[gopher] pygopherd 0.3.1

[gopher] pygopherd 0.3.1

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To: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gopher] pygopherd 0.3.1
From: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 16:49:08 -0500
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Is now out there.

New features:

  * Complete support for Bucktooth gophermap files, including Gopher+.
    (, 68 lines)
  * Complete error handling support for all protocols.
  * Support for last December's URL linking proposal.
    (, 51 lines including the HTML document <g>)
  * Start of HTTP server support.
  * More configurability.
  * Protocol and handlers generalized into ProtocolMultiplexer and
  * Gopher+ generates +ADMIN: blocks now.

Try it out!

On the TODO list:
  * UMN .Links, .cap support
  * "CGI" support (run +x stuff)
  * Finish HTTP support

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  • [gopher] pygopherd 0.3.1, John Goerzen <=