[gopher] Re: Antwort: Re: finally i find other gopherfans... (gn maintai
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"Stefan Koerner" <stefan.koerner@xxxxxx> writes:
> i know that they work by having you name the number of byte to copy,
> but the glibc documentation for it was too sketchy and the differences
> between e.g. the various *nprintf variants and the internally used form=
> ats
> did not clearly arise into my mind after reading the documentation
> and the usual glibc cruft.
> especially i did not see where the usage/performance advantages where a=
> t.
Hmm, that's a bit too general for me to answer, I think... if you've
got some more specific questions, feel free to ask. However, I can
state that the performance implications are almost always so
negligable as to be irrelevant.
> did anything fundamental (e.g. protocol extensions) change ?
> anything that could possibly break compatibility is of interest.
No. What I meant was to look over the diffs where the CVS logs talk
about "security" and see how the code was modified to make it more
secure, and apply those same principles to gn.
> i`m sure it is about library locations and ./configure options I need.
> if i run into anything unusual, i`ll tell you, else i`ll try packaging
> if for rocklinux soon.
I want it to be possible to install with "./configure; make; make
install" without patches on as many platforms as possible, so if it
doesn't work that way for you, I'd like to hear about it.