Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: January 2002:
[gopher] Re: gophervr?

[gopher] Re: gophervr?

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To: "Mark P . McCahill" <mpm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: lindner@xxxxxxxxx, gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx, mpm@xxxxxxx
Subject: [gopher] Re: gophervr?
From: Paul Lindner <lindner@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2002 18:03:07 -0800
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx

On Thu, Dec 20, 2001 at 01:56:20PM -0600, Mark McCahill wrote:
> > 
> > I suspect that no-one will object to my committing it to cvs for
> > others to see (it contains no proprietary code).
> > 
> No problem from me

Still waiting for write access :)

> There was some hackage I did to the VOGL graphics engine so that
> it does BSP (binary space partition) hidden surface removal,
> so hopefully you have both the modified VOGL library and the
> GopherVR code. If you don't I have them around here somewhere...
> On the other hand, there may be fast enough GL libraries (and
> computers) that the hacked VOGL is not necessary now.

I suspect that this is the case.  Plus you get the benefits of h/w

> What do you have it compiling under? (a completely out of the loop
> mpm asks)

Actually nothing yet..  It doesn't look too bad though.. I will
probably migrate the entire thing over to automake/autoconf/libtool
which will make life much easier..

> > I've just orderd the new O'Reilly book "Physics for Game Developers",
> > so I might be playing with that code base in the near future..
> > 
> to make the 'bounce' seem right when you jump thrrough a scene
> we ended up going for 1/3 of earth normal gravity. It gave the
> whole things a more 'un-earthly' feel.

Plus don't forget the incredible hulk birds-eye view jump command..  I
always liked that one :)

Paul Lindner    lindner@xxxxxxxxx   ||||| | | | |  |  |  |   |   |

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