Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: December 2001:
[gopher] Re: gophervr?

[gopher] Re: gophervr?

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To: lindner@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx, mpm@xxxxxxx
Subject: [gopher] Re: gophervr?
From: "Mark P . McCahill" <mpm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 13:56:20 -0600
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx

On 2001.12.20 13:40 Paul Lindner wrote:
> I have the source code for the unix version of gophervr.
> I suspect that no-one will object to my committing it to cvs for
> others to see (it contains no proprietary code).

No problem from me

There was some hackage I did to the VOGL graphics engine so that
it does BSP (binary space partition) hidden surface removal,
so hopefully you have both the modified VOGL library and the
GopherVR code. If you don't I have them around here somewhere...
On the other hand, there may be fast enough GL libraries (and
computers) that the hacked VOGL is not necessary now.

What do you have it compiling under? (a completely out of the loop
mpm asks)

It might be fund to compile this for LinuxPPC/Yellowdog since that
is where I live... that will sort out the endian issues, if I get bored
next week.

> I've just orderd the new O'Reilly book "Physics for Game Developers",
> so I might be playing with that code base in the near future..

to make the 'bounce' seem right when you jump thrrough a scene
we ended up going for 1/3 of earth normal gravity. It gave the
whole things a more 'un-earthly' feel.

> -- 
> Paul Lindner    lindner@xxxxxxxxx   ||||| | | | |  |  |  |   |   |
>     mod_perl Developer's Cookbook
>          Human Rights Declaration
           Mark P. McCahill
             612 625 1300
       University of Minnesota

          oblique strategy:
     repetition is a form of change

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