Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: January 2001:
[gopher] Mozilla gopher support status [bugzilla-daemon@xxxxxxxxxxx] [Bu

[gopher] Mozilla gopher support status [bugzilla-daemon@xxxxxxxxxxx] [Bu

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To: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gopher] Mozilla gopher support status [bugzilla-daemon@xxxxxxxxxxx] [Bug 49334] Changed - [RFE] Implement gopher
From: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 17 Jan 2001 14:36:04 -0500
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Got this today.  Looks like the patches are looking OK and are needing
some reviewing yet.

-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar --

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Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 10:29:01 -0800 (PST)
Message-Id: <200101171829.f0HIT1Q02627@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: bugzilla-daemon@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Roland.Mainz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
        benc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, darin@xxxxxxxxxxxx, lordpixel@xxxxxxx,
        mcafee@xxxxxxxxxxxx, rjc@xxxxxxxxxxxx, ptrourke@xxxxxxxxxxx,
        finecom@xxxxxxxxxxxx, harder@xxxxxxxxx, luked@xxxxxxxxxxx,
Subject: [Bug 49334] Changed - [RFE] Implement gopher
Sender: nobody@xxxxxxxxxxx
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(Tired of this old junk?  There is a new experimental email scheme in
Bugzilla.  If you're feeling brave, you can try it by turning on the
new pref at

*** shadow/49334        Tue Jan 16 14:03:40 2001
--- shadow/49334.tmp.2578       Wed Jan 17 10:29:01 2001
*** 14,20 ****
  TargetMilestone: mozilla0.8
  StatusWhiteboard: Fix in hand, Waiting for approval
  URL: gopher://
! Cc: 
  Summary: [RFE] Implement gopher
  From Bugzilla Helper:
--- 14,20 ----
  TargetMilestone: mozilla0.8
  StatusWhiteboard: Fix in hand, Waiting for approval
  URL: gopher://
! Cc: 
  Summary: [RFE] Implement gopher
  From Bugzilla Helper:
*** 527,529 ****
--- 527,537 ----
  ------- Additional Comments From dougt@xxxxxxxxxxxx  2001-01-16 14:03 -------
  I will review the directory viewer and stream convert stuff tomorrow.
+ ------- Additional Comments From dougt@xxxxxxxxxxxx  2001-01-17 10:28 -------
+ The stream converter looks fine.
+ I am going to defer the changes to the html indexer to waterson or rjc as the
+ changes are pretty big and they initally wrote the code.

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  • [gopher] Mozilla gopher support status [bugzilla-daemon@xxxxxxxxxxx] [Bug 49334] Changed - [RFE] Implement gopher, John Goerzen <=