Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv: November 2003:
[Freeciv] Freeciv 1.14.1-beta3 released

[Freeciv] Freeciv 1.14.1-beta3 released

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To: freeciv@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv] Freeciv 1.14.1-beta3 released
From: Jason Dorje Short <jshort@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2003 20:46:53 -0500
Reply-to: jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxx

I've uploaded 1.14.1-beta3 to the ftp servers.  You can download it in 
source form from

Compared to beta2, this release just has a few minor bug fixes.  It will 
likely turn into the final 1.14.1 release in a week or two.  If there 
are any bugs remaining, please report them (or remind us about them if 
they've already been reported, and you think we've overlooked them).

-Jason Short
(for the Freeciv maintainers)

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  • [Freeciv] Freeciv 1.14.1-beta3 released, Jason Dorje Short <=