[Freeciv] Re: 2 questions..
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On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 04:44:51AM -0800, Vince Gambill wrote:
> First of all, thanks for all of the effort that you
> guys pour into this project. The game ABSOLUTELY
> rocks!
> Is there a whisper feature in the chat within Freeciv
> to allow 2 people to talk directly IE in alliances.
Yes: see Help->Chatline for details.
You just use a prefix of the person's nickname followed by a :, eg.
horat: what is your frigate doing there?!
> It kind of tips the enemies' hand if I broadcast, "Go
> to Washington" to all players.
> Will there be a Civ3 ruleset implemented in the near
> future?
Not as far as anyone here is aware.
> Thanks in advance.
> Vince