Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-java: May 2003:
[FreeCiv-Java] question about dio_get_uint32

[FreeCiv-Java] question about dio_get_uint32

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To: freeciv-java@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [FreeCiv-Java] question about dio_get_uint32
From: "David Chen" <cooldc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 08:46:23 +0000

although I've noticed that this emailing list has had very little activitiy lately other than junk mails, hopefully someone will pick up this message. I am builiding a java client for freeciv 1.14.0 (I gave up on trying to keeping up to date with the latest development and went for a stable version) My question is about ./common/dataio.dio_get_uint32. Does freeciv actually use unsigned 4 byte ints? More broadly, is it safe to assume that I can use java int (signed, 4 bytes) to read in all the ints from all types of packets?

thanks for any help,
David Chen
AIM: cooldc314
ICQ: 147175225

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