[FreeCiv-Java] Client 990907
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I've done some screenshots of city range overlay and scaled tiles from
my client. They are available at
Client is at
- changed scaling routine, so no longer scaling down and up
lowers quality
- started TriangleSlider which will be used in lux/science/gold tax
- None tech does not longer appers in tech menu
- after scaling new images are loaded scaled (corrected bug)
- mapFrame reacts to main frame resize
- confirm dialog for disband unit
- replaced Point with Coords class in many places in tile package to
have more obvious meanings of return types of various methods
- added TripletCoords methods to HexMap to support three-axis hex
coordinates (a lot easier in some computations)
- added shadows to edges of visible map (not very pretty for now)
- plain TileMap now also is painted layer by layer, not stack by stack
(helps for long city names and maybe performance)
- totally change image load system - now only needed images are
loaded, plus all not used at the moment are softreferenced so
they will get cleared when memory is low; additionally
implemented FileImageSource which clears it's data as soon as
possible, reloading from file when needed; all this reduced heap
usage at start from 13M to 3M and should save at least 4-5M even
late game
- added goto command
- drawing routine for 3d hex outlines in HexMap
- added scale command
- [FreeCiv-Java] Client 990907,
Artur Biesiadowski <=