Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-i18n: October 2003:
[freeciv-i18n] Accelerator checkers?

[freeciv-i18n] Accelerator checkers?

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To: freeciv-i18n@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [freeciv-i18n] Accelerator checkers?
From: Sini Ruohomaa <sini.ruohomaa@xxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2003 20:06:21 +0300

Does anyone happen to know of a way to check if accelerator letters
conflict with eachothers, without going through every single dialog in
the game every time things change? I've been starting to try to include
the accelerators where I can preserve the original, once I heard a
rumour that translating the _s actually works (it's not that obvious,
and at some point in ancient history I got a report that it wasn't). I
dislike adding my own, totally new accelerator keys, since I worry about
collisions and their effects. Is there a tool to check that there won't
be two of the same letter in use in the same menu or dialog somewhere?


PS. Did that script to generate freeciv.pots on the stable branch ever
get up and running? I got the entire source checked out in the end, but
there isn't a freeciv.pot included there.

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