[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#15582) airlifting bug
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<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=15582 >
> [jdorje - Fri Feb 17 18:00:14 2006]:
> Guest wrote:
> > During war the number of airlifts into target city is only limited by
> > the amount of airplanes available and the size of the airport. Size
> > limit would have to be something between 10-20 airlifts into the same
> > city per turn otherwise airlifts would become almost useless.
> Obviously it should be limited to the size of the city!
That I think would be an acceptable solution.
> However the problem is not just with the AI, the problem is how to
> display this information to the human. It is already complex enough to
> remember which of your cities have airlifted; if you have to remember
> how many times each one has airlifted it will be too much.
> -jason
Forget the AI, it doesn't even know how to use units properly or
rapture, let alone airlift! You don't need to display anything to
humans, just mention in the manual that the number of airlifted units is
limited by the size of the destination city. You don't want to overwhelm
players with lots of useless information.
2 Per:
Your solution would only make ground assaults too difficult as howitzers
would be killed by enemy fighters. It would result in air units being
the only way to empty cities, later taken by paratroopers.
Another issue is, why fighters and bombers get defence bonus from
terrain? Fighters and bombers usually fly very high and kill enemy from
long distance.