[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#10687) adding animation
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<URL: http://rt.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=10687 >
This patch adds animation!
Apply the patch, copy the warriors.png into data/misc, run with
civclient, and build lots of warriors. There are four animated actions:
movement, attacking, dying, and fortifying.
There are bugs. And it is incomplete.
The animation graphics are taken from the incoming directory, made by
Lukas Tonne using blender.
? warrior.png
? warrior_animation.README
? data/misc/warriors.png
Index: client/mapview_common.c
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/client/mapview_common.c,v
retrieving revision 1.158
diff -u -r1.158 mapview_common.c
--- client/mapview_common.c 20 Oct 2004 15:36:12 -0000 1.158
+++ client/mapview_common.c 23 Oct 2004 01:21:15 -0000
@@ -1819,6 +1819,36 @@
+static void run_animation(struct tile *ptile, struct anim *anim)
+ int canvas_x, canvas_y;
+ if (tile_to_canvas_pos(&canvas_x, &canvas_y, ptile)) {
+ int frame, w, h;
+ int x = canvas_x + NORMAL_TILE_WIDTH / 2 - anim_center_x;
+ int y = canvas_y + NORMAL_TILE_HEIGHT / 2 - anim_center_y;
+ get_sprite_dimensions(anim->frame[0], &w, &h);
+ canvas_copy(mapview_canvas.tmp_store, mapview_canvas.store,
+ x, y, x, y, w, h);
+ for (frame = 0; frame < anim->count; frame++) {
+ canvas_put_sprite_full(mapview_canvas.store,
+ x, y, anim->frame[frame]);
+ dirty_rect(x, y, w, h);
+ flush_dirty();
+ gui_flush();
+ myusleep(50000);
+ canvas_copy(mapview_canvas.store, mapview_canvas.tmp_store,
+ x, y, x, y, w, h);
+ }
+ dirty_rect(x, y, w, h);
+ }
This function is called to decrease a unit's HP smoothly in battle
when combat_animation is turned on.
@@ -1828,10 +1858,13 @@
static struct timer *anim_timer = NULL;
struct unit *losing_unit = (hp0 == 0 ? punit0 : punit1);
+ struct unit *winning_unit = (hp1 == 0 ? punit0 : punit1);
int canvas_x, canvas_y, i;
+ enum direction8 dir = get_direction_for_step(losing_unit->tile,
+ winning_unit->tile);
+ struct anim *anim = &sprites.units[losing_unit->type].anim[ANIM_DIE][dir];
set_units_in_combat(punit0, punit1);
while (punit0->hp > hp0 || punit1->hp > hp1) {
const int diff0 = punit0->hp - hp0, diff1 = punit1->hp - hp1;
@@ -1850,46 +1883,70 @@
usleep_since_timer_start(anim_timer, 10000);
+ set_units_in_combat(NULL, NULL);
- if (num_tiles_explode_unit > 0
- && tile_to_canvas_pos(&canvas_x, &canvas_y,
- losing_unit->tile)) {
- refresh_tile_mapcanvas(losing_unit->tile, FALSE);
- canvas_copy(mapview_canvas.tmp_store, mapview_canvas.store,
- canvas_x, canvas_y, canvas_x, canvas_y,
- for (i = 0; i < num_tiles_explode_unit; i++) {
- int w, h;
- get_sprite_dimensions(sprites.explode.unit[i], &w, &h);
- anim_timer = renew_timer_start(anim_timer, TIMER_USER, TIMER_ACTIVE);
- /* We first draw the explosion onto the unit and draw draw the
- * complete thing onto the map canvas window. This avoids
- * flickering. */
- canvas_copy(mapview_canvas.store, mapview_canvas.tmp_store,
+ if (tile_to_canvas_pos(&canvas_x, &canvas_y, losing_unit->tile)) {
+ if (anim->count > 0) {
+ hidden_units_tile = losing_unit->tile;
+ refresh_tile_mapcanvas(losing_unit->tile, FALSE);
+ run_animation(losing_unit->tile, anim);
+ hidden_units_tile = NULL;
+ } else if (num_tiles_explode_unit > 0) {
+ set_units_in_combat(punit0, punit1);
+ refresh_tile_mapcanvas(losing_unit->tile, FALSE);
+ canvas_copy(mapview_canvas.tmp_store, mapview_canvas.store,
canvas_x, canvas_y, canvas_x, canvas_y,
- canvas_put_sprite_full(mapview_canvas.store,
- canvas_x + NORMAL_TILE_WIDTH / 2 - w / 2,
- canvas_y + NORMAL_TILE_HEIGHT / 2 - h / 2,
- sprites.explode.unit[i]);
- dirty_rect(canvas_x, canvas_y, NORMAL_TILE_WIDTH, NORMAL_TILE_HEIGHT);
- flush_dirty();
- gui_flush();
+ for (i = 0; i < num_tiles_explode_unit; i++) {
+ int w, h;
+ get_sprite_dimensions(sprites.explode.unit[i], &w, &h);
+ anim_timer = renew_timer_start(anim_timer, TIMER_USER, TIMER_ACTIVE);
- usleep_since_timer_start(anim_timer, 20000);
+ /* We first draw the explosion onto the unit and draw draw the
+ * complete thing onto the map canvas window. This avoids
+ * flickering. */
+ canvas_copy(mapview_canvas.store, mapview_canvas.tmp_store,
+ canvas_x, canvas_y, canvas_x, canvas_y,
+ canvas_put_sprite_full(mapview_canvas.store,
+ canvas_x + NORMAL_TILE_WIDTH / 2 - w / 2,
+ canvas_y + NORMAL_TILE_HEIGHT / 2 - h / 2,
+ sprites.explode.unit[i]);
+ dirty_rect(canvas_x, canvas_y, NORMAL_TILE_WIDTH, NORMAL_TILE_HEIGHT);
+ flush_dirty();
+ gui_flush();
+ usleep_since_timer_start(anim_timer, 20000);
+ }
+ set_units_in_combat(NULL, NULL);
- set_units_in_combat(NULL, NULL);
refresh_tile_mapcanvas(punit0->tile, FALSE);
refresh_tile_mapcanvas(punit1->tile, FALSE);
+ Do animations when changing activity. punit->activity gives the
+ old activity; new_activity the new one.
+void animate_unit_change_activity(const struct unit *punit,
+ enum unit_activity new_activity)
+ if (punit->activity == ACTIVITY_IDLE
+ && new_activity == ACTIVITY_FORTIFYING) {
+ struct anim *anim = &(sprites.units[punit->type].
+ anim[ANIM_FORTIFY][punit->client.facing]);
+ refresh_tile_mapcanvas(punit->tile, FALSE);
+ run_animation(punit->tile, anim);
+ }
Animates punit's "smooth" move from (x0, y0) to (x0+dx, y0+dy).
Note: Works only for adjacent-tile moves.
@@ -1899,6 +1956,7 @@
static struct timer *anim_timer = NULL;
struct tile *dest_tile;
int dest_x, dest_y;
+ enum direction8 dir;
/* only works for adjacent-square moves */
if (dx < -1 || dx > 1 || dy < -1 || dy > 1 || (dx == 0 && dy == 0)) {
@@ -1919,54 +1977,86 @@
if (!dest_tile) {
+ dir = get_direction_for_step(src_tile, dest_tile);
if (tile_visible_mapcanvas(src_tile)
|| tile_visible_mapcanvas(dest_tile)) {
int start_x, start_y;
int canvas_dx, canvas_dy;
double timing_sec = (double)smooth_move_unit_msec / 1000.0, mytime;
+ struct anim *anim = &sprites.units[punit->type].anim[ANIM_MOVE][dir];
assert(smooth_move_unit_msec > 0);
map_to_gui_vector(&canvas_dx, &canvas_dy, dx, dy);
tile_to_canvas_pos(&start_x, &start_y, src_tile);
- if (is_isometric) {
- start_y -= NORMAL_TILE_HEIGHT / 2;
- }
/* Flush before we start animating. */
- do {
- int new_x, new_y;
+ if (anim->count > 0) {
+ int frame, width, height;
- mytime = MIN(read_timer_seconds(anim_timer), timing_sec);
+ get_sprite_dimensions(anim->frame[0], &width, &height);
- new_x = start_x + canvas_dx * (mytime / timing_sec);
- new_y = start_y + canvas_dy * (mytime / timing_sec);
+ for (frame = 0; frame < anim->count; frame++) {
+ int x = start_x + canvas_dx * frame / anim->count
+ + NORMAL_TILE_WIDTH / 2 - anim_center_x;
+ int y = start_y + canvas_dy * frame / anim->count
+ + NORMAL_TILE_HEIGHT / 2 - anim_center_y;
+ canvas_copy(mapview_canvas.tmp_store, mapview_canvas.store,
+ x, y, x, y, width, height);
+ canvas_put_sprite_full(mapview_canvas.store,
+ x, y, anim->frame[frame]);
+ dirty_rect(x, y, width, height);
+ flush_dirty();
+ gui_flush();
+ myusleep(20000);
+ canvas_copy(mapview_canvas.store, mapview_canvas.tmp_store,
+ x, y, x, y, width, height);
+ dirty_rect(x, y, width, height);
+ }
+ } else {
+ do {
+ int new_x, new_y;
- /* Backup the canvas store to the temp store. */
- canvas_copy(mapview_canvas.tmp_store, mapview_canvas.store,
- new_x, new_y, new_x, new_y,
+ if (is_isometric) {
+ start_y -= NORMAL_TILE_HEIGHT / 2;
+ }
- /* Draw */
- put_unit(punit, mapview_canvas.store, new_x, new_y);
- dirty_rect(new_x, new_y, UNIT_TILE_WIDTH, UNIT_TILE_HEIGHT);
+ mytime = MIN(read_timer_seconds(anim_timer), timing_sec);
- /* Flush. */
- flush_dirty();
- gui_flush();
+ new_x = start_x + canvas_dx * (mytime / timing_sec);
+ new_y = start_y + canvas_dy * (mytime / timing_sec);
- /* Restore the backup. It won't take effect until the next flush. */
- canvas_copy(mapview_canvas.store, mapview_canvas.tmp_store,
- new_x, new_y, new_x, new_y,
- dirty_rect(new_x, new_y, UNIT_TILE_WIDTH, UNIT_TILE_HEIGHT);
- } while (mytime < timing_sec);
+ /* Backup the canvas store to the temp store. */
+ canvas_copy(mapview_canvas.tmp_store, mapview_canvas.store,
+ new_x, new_y, new_x, new_y,
+ /* Draw */
+ put_unit(punit, mapview_canvas.store, new_x, new_y);
+ dirty_rect(new_x, new_y, UNIT_TILE_WIDTH, UNIT_TILE_HEIGHT);
+ /* Flush. */
+ flush_dirty();
+ gui_flush();
+ /* Restore the backup. It won't take effect until the next flush. */
+ canvas_copy(mapview_canvas.store, mapview_canvas.tmp_store,
+ new_x, new_y, new_x, new_y,
+ dirty_rect(new_x, new_y, UNIT_TILE_WIDTH, UNIT_TILE_HEIGHT);
+ } while (mytime < timing_sec);
+ }
+ punit->client.facing = dir;
Index: client/mapview_common.h
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/client/mapview_common.h,v
retrieving revision 1.80
diff -u -r1.80 mapview_common.h
--- client/mapview_common.h 17 Oct 2004 15:47:48 -0000 1.80
+++ client/mapview_common.h 23 Oct 2004 01:21:15 -0000
@@ -190,6 +190,8 @@
void decrease_unit_hp_smooth(struct unit *punit0, int hp0,
struct unit *punit1, int hp1);
+void animate_unit_change_activity(const struct unit *punit,
+ enum unit_activity new_activity);
void move_unit_map_canvas(struct unit *punit,
struct tile *ptile, int dx, int dy);
Index: client/packhand.c
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/client/packhand.c,v
retrieving revision 1.411
diff -u -r1.411 packhand.c
--- client/packhand.c 21 Oct 2004 20:27:28 -0000 1.411
+++ client/packhand.c 23 Oct 2004 01:21:15 -0000
@@ -1006,6 +1006,7 @@
+ animate_unit_change_activity(punit, packet_unit->activity);
punit->activity = packet_unit->activity;
punit->activity_target = packet_unit->activity_target;
Index: client/tilespec.c
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/client/tilespec.c,v
retrieving revision 1.207
diff -u -r1.207 tilespec.c
--- client/tilespec.c 20 Oct 2004 05:12:32 -0000 1.207
+++ client/tilespec.c 23 Oct 2004 01:21:16 -0000
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
static int roadstyle;
static int flag_offset_x, flag_offset_y;
+int anim_center_x, anim_center_y;
@@ -193,6 +194,8 @@
static bool focus_unit_hidden = FALSE;
+struct tile *hidden_units_tile = NULL;
static struct Sprite* lookup_sprite_tag_alt(const char *tag, const char *alt,
bool required, const char *what,
const char *name);
@@ -855,6 +858,11 @@
flag_offset_y = secfile_lookup_int_default(file, 0,
+ anim_center_x = secfile_lookup_int_default(file, 0,
+ "tilespec.anim_center_x");
+ anim_center_y = secfile_lookup_int_default(file, 0,
+ "tilespec.anim_center_y");
c = secfile_lookup_str_default(file, "10x20", "tilespec.city_names_font");
city_names_font = mystrdup(c);
@@ -1546,12 +1554,51 @@
void tilespec_setup_unit_type(int id)
struct unit_type *ut = get_unit_type(id);
- ut->sprite = lookup_sprite_tag_alt(ut->graphic_str, ut->graphic_alt,
- unit_type_exists(id), "unit_type",
- ut->name);
+ const char *anim_types[ANIM_COUNT] = {
+ "die", "attack", "fortify", "move", "stand"
+ };
+ int anim, dir_index;
+ const char *name = ut->graphic_str;
+ sprites.units[id].base = load_sprite(name);
+ if (!sprites.units[id].base) {
+ name = ut->graphic_alt;
+ sprites.units[id].base = load_sprite(name);
+ }
+ if (!sprites.units[id].base) {
+ /* Should we have a fallback sprite? */
+ /* This string matches the one in lookup_sprite_tag_alt. */
+ freelog(LOG_FATAL, _("Don't have graphicics tags %s or %s for %s %s"),
+ ut->graphic_str, ut->graphic_alt, _("unit"), ut->name);
+ }
- /* should maybe do something if NULL, eg generic default? */
+ for (anim = 0; anim < ANIM_COUNT; anim++) {
+ for (dir_index = 0; dir_index < num_valid_tileset_dirs; dir_index++) {
+ enum direction8 dir = valid_tileset_dirs[dir_index];
+ char buf[1024];
+ int count;
+ for (count = 0; count <= MAX_NUM_FRAMES; count++) {
+ struct Sprite *s;
+ if (count == MAX_NUM_FRAMES) {
+ freelog(LOG_ERROR, _("Only %d frames of animation are supported."),
+ }
+ my_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
+ "%s.%s.%s.%d", name, anim_types[anim],
+ dir_get_tileset_name(dir), count);
+ s = load_sprite(buf);
+ if (!s) {
+ break;
+ }
+ sprites.units[id].anim[anim][dir].frame[count] = s;
+ }
+ sprites.units[id].anim[anim][dir].count = count;
+ }
+ }
@@ -1949,6 +1996,10 @@
struct drawn_sprite *save_sprs = sprs;
int ihp;
+ struct anim *anim = &(sprites.units[punit->type]
+ .anim[ANIM_STAND][punit->client.facing]);
+ struct anim *fanim = &(sprites.units[punit->type]
+ .anim[ANIM_FORTIFY][punit->client.facing]);
if (is_isometric) {
if (backdrop) {
@@ -1966,7 +2017,27 @@
- ADD_SPRITE_FULL(unit_type(punit)->sprite);
+ if ((punit->activity == ACTIVITY_FORTIFYING
+ || punit->activity == ACTIVITY_FORTIFIED)
+ && fanim->count > 0) {
+ struct Sprite *s = fanim->frame[fanim->count - 1];
+ int w, h;
+ get_sprite_dimensions(s, &w, &h);
+ NORMAL_TILE_WIDTH / 2 - anim_center_x,
+ NORMAL_TILE_HEIGHT / 2 - anim_center_y);
+ } else if (anim->count > 0) {
+ struct Sprite *s = anim->frame[0];
+ int w, h;
+ get_sprite_dimensions(s, &w, &h);
+ NORMAL_TILE_WIDTH / 2 - anim_center_x,
+ NORMAL_TILE_HEIGHT / 2 - anim_center_y);
+ } else {
+ ADD_SPRITE_FULL(get_unit_sprite(punit->type));
+ }
if(punit->activity!=ACTIVITY_IDLE) {
struct Sprite *s = NULL;
@@ -2757,7 +2828,8 @@
FALSE, 0, 0);
- if (punit && (draw_units || (punit == pfocus && draw_focus_unit))) {
+ if (punit && (draw_units || (punit == pfocus && draw_focus_unit))
+ && (!ptile || ptile != hidden_units_tile)) {
bool stacked = ptile && (unit_list_size(&ptile->units) > 1);
bool backdrop = !pcity;
Index: client/tilespec.h
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/client/tilespec.h,v
retrieving revision 1.90
diff -u -r1.90 tilespec.h
--- client/tilespec.h 7 Oct 2004 19:15:19 -0000 1.90
+++ client/tilespec.h 23 Oct 2004 01:21:16 -0000
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
#include "fc_types.h"
+#include "map.h"
#include "citydlg_common.h" /* enum citizen_type */
#include "colors_g.h"
#include "options.h"
@@ -147,6 +149,10 @@
struct Sprite *mine;
+enum animation_type {
struct named_sprites {
struct Sprite
@@ -262,6 +268,15 @@
} tx; /* terrain extra */
struct terrain_drawing_data *terrain[MAX_NUM_TERRAINS];
+ struct {
+ struct Sprite *base;
+ struct anim {
+#define MAX_NUM_FRAMES 32
+ int count; /* Zero or more frames. */
+ struct Sprite *frame[MAX_NUM_FRAMES];
+ } units[U_LAST];
extern struct named_sprites sprites;
@@ -269,6 +284,7 @@
struct Sprite *get_citizen_sprite(struct citizen_type type,
int citizen_index,
const struct city *pcity);
+#define get_unit_sprite(type) (sprites.units[type].base)
/* full pathnames: */
extern char *main_intro_filename;
@@ -315,6 +331,9 @@
extern bool is_isometric;
extern int hex_width, hex_height;
+/* Center pixel of animation graphics: it gets placed at the tile center. */
+extern int anim_center_x, anim_center_y;
/* name of font to use to draw city names on main map */
extern char *city_names_font;
@@ -325,6 +344,9 @@
extern int num_tiles_explode_unit;
+/* HACK: if this tile is non-NULL, no units will be drawn on the tile. */
+extern struct tile *hidden_units_tile;
struct Sprite *load_sprite(const char *tag_name);
void unload_sprite(const char *tag_name);
bool sprite_exists(const char *tag_name);
Index: client/gui-gtk-2.0/graphics.c
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/client/gui-gtk-2.0/graphics.c,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -u -r1.26 graphics.c
--- client/gui-gtk-2.0/graphics.c 3 Jun 2004 13:53:42 -0000 1.26
+++ client/gui-gtk-2.0/graphics.c 23 Oct 2004 01:21:16 -0000
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@
int width, height;
struct unit_type *type = get_unit_type(i);
- sprite_get_bounding_box(type->sprite, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
+ sprite_get_bounding_box(get_unit_sprite(i), &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
if (pcanvas->type == CANVAS_PIXBUF) {
width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(pcanvas->v.pixbuf);
height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pcanvas->v.pixbuf);
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@
canvas_put_rectangle(pcanvas, bg_color, 0, 0, width, height);
/* Finally, put a picture of the unit in the tile */
- canvas_put_sprite(pcanvas, 0, 0, type->sprite,
+ canvas_put_sprite(pcanvas, 0, 0, get_unit_sprite(i),
(x2 + x1 - width) / 2, (y1 + y2 - height) / 2,
UNIT_TILE_WIDTH - (x2 + x1 - width) / 2,
UNIT_TILE_HEIGHT - (y1 + y2 - height) / 2);
Index: client/gui-gtk-2.0/mapview.c
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/client/gui-gtk-2.0/mapview.c,v
retrieving revision 1.145
diff -u -r1.145 mapview.c
--- client/gui-gtk-2.0/mapview.c 19 Oct 2004 21:17:34 -0000 1.145
+++ client/gui-gtk-2.0/mapview.c 23 Oct 2004 01:21:16 -0000
@@ -722,6 +722,17 @@
GdkPixbuf *src, *dst;
+ /* FIXME: is this right??? */
+ if (canvas_x < 0) {
+ offset_x -= canvas_x;
+ canvas_x = 0;
+ }
+ if (canvas_y < 0) {
+ offset_y -= canvas_y;
+ canvas_y = 0;
+ }
src = sprite_get_pixbuf(sprite);
dst = pcanvas->v.pixbuf;
gdk_pixbuf_composite(src, dst, canvas_x, canvas_y,
Index: client/gui-gtk-2.0/wldlg.c
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/client/gui-gtk-2.0/wldlg.c,v
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -u -r1.36 wldlg.c
--- client/gui-gtk-2.0/wldlg.c 3 Jun 2004 13:53:42 -0000 1.36
+++ client/gui-gtk-2.0/wldlg.c 23 Oct 2004 01:21:16 -0000
@@ -79,10 +79,9 @@
max_unit_width = 0;
unit_type_iterate(i) {
- struct unit_type *type = get_unit_type(i);
int x1, x2, y1, y2;
- sprite_get_bounding_box(type->sprite, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
+ sprite_get_bounding_box(get_unit_sprite(i), &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
max_unit_width = MAX(max_unit_width, x2 - x1);
max_unit_height = MAX(max_unit_height, y2 - y1);
} unit_type_iterate_end;
Index: common/unit.c
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/common/unit.c,v
retrieving revision 1.220
diff -u -r1.220 unit.c
--- common/unit.c 18 Oct 2004 22:40:02 -0000 1.220
+++ common/unit.c 23 Oct 2004 01:21:17 -0000
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include "fcintl.h"
+#include "rand.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "map.h"
@@ -1739,6 +1741,7 @@
set_unit_activity(punit, ACTIVITY_IDLE);
punit->occupy = 0;
punit->client.color = DEFAULT_CITY_COLOR;
+ punit->client.facing = map.valid_dirs[myrand(map.num_valid_dirs)];
punit->has_orders = FALSE;
return punit;
Index: common/unit.h
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/common/unit.h,v
retrieving revision 1.129
diff -u -r1.129 unit.h
--- common/unit.h 20 Oct 2004 18:20:53 -0000 1.129
+++ common/unit.h 23 Oct 2004 01:21:17 -0000
@@ -166,6 +166,10 @@
struct {
/* Equivalent to pcity->client.color. Only for F_CITIES units. */
int color;
+ /* The direction the unit is facing (this is a direction8 but we need
+ * some fc_types.h magic to use that here). This is a GUI direction. */
+ int facing;
} client;
bool has_orders;
Index: common/unittype.h
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/common/unittype.h,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -r1.31 unittype.h
--- common/unittype.h 3 Sep 2004 04:22:37 -0000 1.31
+++ common/unittype.h 23 Oct 2004 01:21:17 -0000
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
#include "fc_types.h"
-struct Sprite; /* opaque; client-gui specific */
typedef int Unit_Type_id;
Above typedef replaces old "enum unit_type_id" (since no longer
@@ -182,7 +180,6 @@
char sound_move_alt[MAX_LEN_NAME];
char sound_fight[MAX_LEN_NAME];
char sound_fight_alt[MAX_LEN_NAME];
- struct Sprite *sprite;
enum unit_move_type move_type;
int build_cost; /* Use wrappers to access this. */
int pop_cost; /* number of workers the unit contains (e.g., settlers,
Index: data/isotrident.tilespec
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/data/isotrident.tilespec,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -r1.21 isotrident.tilespec
--- data/isotrident.tilespec 4 Oct 2004 19:39:18 -0000 1.21
+++ data/isotrident.tilespec 23 Oct 2004 01:21:17 -0000
@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@
flag_offset_x = 17
flag_offset_y = 11
+anim_center_x = 40
+anim_center_y = 48
; Font to use to draw city names:
city_names_font = "9x15bold"
@@ -52,6 +55,7 @@
+ "misc/warriors.spec",
Index: data/misc/gen.pl
RCS file: data/misc/gen.pl
diff -N data/misc/gen.pl
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ data/misc/gen.pl 23 Oct 2004 01:21:17 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+$unit = $ARGV[0];
+print <<EOF
+; Format and options of this spec file:
+options = "+spec3"
+artists = "
+ (insert artists here)
+gfx = "misc/$unit"
+x_top_left = 0
+y_top_left = 0
+dx = 80
+dy = 80
+tiles = { "row", "column", "tag"
+# Must match the order of types in the gfx
+@types = ("die", "attack", "fortify", "move", "stand");
+# Must match the order of directions in the gfx
+@dirs = ("n", "ne", "e", "se", "s", "sw", "w", "nw");
+# Must match number of frames in the gfx
+$frames = 16;
+$line = 0;
+foreach $type (@types) {
+ foreach $dir (@dirs) {
+ for ($frame = 0; $frame < $frames; $frame++) {
+ print " $line, $frame, \"u.$unit.$type.$dir.$frame\"\n";
+ }
+ $line++;
+ }
+print "}\n";
Index: data/misc/warriors.spec
RCS file: data/misc/warriors.spec
diff -N data/misc/warriors.spec
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ data/misc/warriors.spec 23 Oct 2004 01:21:17 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+; Format and options of this spec file:
+options = "+spec3"
+artists = "
+ (insert artists here)
+gfx = "misc/warriors"
+x_top_left = 0
+y_top_left = 0
+dx = 80
+dy = 80
+tiles = { "row", "column", "tag"
+ 0, 0, "u.warriors.die.n.0"
+ 0, 1, "u.warriors.die.n.1"
+ 0, 2, "u.warriors.die.n.2"
+ 0, 3, "u.warriors.die.n.3"
+ 0, 4, "u.warriors.die.n.4"
+ 0, 5, "u.warriors.die.n.5"
+ 0, 6, "u.warriors.die.n.6"
+ 0, 7, "u.warriors.die.n.7"
+ 0, 8, "u.warriors.die.n.8"
+ 0, 9, "u.warriors.die.n.9"
+ 0, 10, "u.warriors.die.n.10"
+ 0, 11, "u.warriors.die.n.11"
+ 0, 12, "u.warriors.die.n.12"
+ 0, 13, "u.warriors.die.n.13"
+ 0, 14, "u.warriors.die.n.14"
+ 0, 15, "u.warriors.die.n.15"
+ 1, 0, "u.warriors.die.ne.0"
+ 1, 1, "u.warriors.die.ne.1"
+ 1, 2, "u.warriors.die.ne.2"
+ 1, 3, "u.warriors.die.ne.3"
+ 1, 4, "u.warriors.die.ne.4"
+ 1, 5, "u.warriors.die.ne.5"
+ 1, 6, "u.warriors.die.ne.6"
+ 1, 7, "u.warriors.die.ne.7"
+ 1, 8, "u.warriors.die.ne.8"
+ 1, 9, "u.warriors.die.ne.9"
+ 1, 10, "u.warriors.die.ne.10"
+ 1, 11, "u.warriors.die.ne.11"
+ 1, 12, "u.warriors.die.ne.12"
+ 1, 13, "u.warriors.die.ne.13"
+ 1, 14, "u.warriors.die.ne.14"
+ 1, 15, "u.warriors.die.ne.15"
+ 2, 0, "u.warriors.die.e.0"
+ 2, 1, "u.warriors.die.e.1"
+ 2, 2, "u.warriors.die.e.2"
+ 2, 3, "u.warriors.die.e.3"
+ 2, 4, "u.warriors.die.e.4"
+ 2, 5, "u.warriors.die.e.5"
+ 2, 6, "u.warriors.die.e.6"
+ 2, 7, "u.warriors.die.e.7"
+ 2, 8, "u.warriors.die.e.8"
+ 2, 9, "u.warriors.die.e.9"
+ 2, 10, "u.warriors.die.e.10"
+ 2, 11, "u.warriors.die.e.11"
+ 2, 12, "u.warriors.die.e.12"
+ 2, 13, "u.warriors.die.e.13"
+ 2, 14, "u.warriors.die.e.14"
+ 2, 15, "u.warriors.die.e.15"
+ 3, 0, "u.warriors.die.se.0"
+ 3, 1, "u.warriors.die.se.1"
+ 3, 2, "u.warriors.die.se.2"
+ 3, 3, "u.warriors.die.se.3"
+ 3, 4, "u.warriors.die.se.4"
+ 3, 5, "u.warriors.die.se.5"
+ 3, 6, "u.warriors.die.se.6"
+ 3, 7, "u.warriors.die.se.7"
+ 3, 8, "u.warriors.die.se.8"
+ 3, 9, "u.warriors.die.se.9"
+ 3, 10, "u.warriors.die.se.10"
+ 3, 11, "u.warriors.die.se.11"
+ 3, 12, "u.warriors.die.se.12"
+ 3, 13, "u.warriors.die.se.13"
+ 3, 14, "u.warriors.die.se.14"
+ 3, 15, "u.warriors.die.se.15"
+ 4, 0, "u.warriors.die.s.0"
+ 4, 1, "u.warriors.die.s.1"
+ 4, 2, "u.warriors.die.s.2"
+ 4, 3, "u.warriors.die.s.3"
+ 4, 4, "u.warriors.die.s.4"
+ 4, 5, "u.warriors.die.s.5"
+ 4, 6, "u.warriors.die.s.6"
+ 4, 7, "u.warriors.die.s.7"
+ 4, 8, "u.warriors.die.s.8"
+ 4, 9, "u.warriors.die.s.9"
+ 4, 10, "u.warriors.die.s.10"
+ 4, 11, "u.warriors.die.s.11"
+ 4, 12, "u.warriors.die.s.12"
+ 4, 13, "u.warriors.die.s.13"
+ 4, 14, "u.warriors.die.s.14"
+ 4, 15, "u.warriors.die.s.15"
+ 5, 0, "u.warriors.die.sw.0"
+ 5, 1, "u.warriors.die.sw.1"
+ 5, 2, "u.warriors.die.sw.2"
+ 5, 3, "u.warriors.die.sw.3"
+ 5, 4, "u.warriors.die.sw.4"
+ 5, 5, "u.warriors.die.sw.5"
+ 5, 6, "u.warriors.die.sw.6"
+ 5, 7, "u.warriors.die.sw.7"
+ 5, 8, "u.warriors.die.sw.8"
+ 5, 9, "u.warriors.die.sw.9"
+ 5, 10, "u.warriors.die.sw.10"
+ 5, 11, "u.warriors.die.sw.11"
+ 5, 12, "u.warriors.die.sw.12"
+ 5, 13, "u.warriors.die.sw.13"
+ 5, 14, "u.warriors.die.sw.14"
+ 5, 15, "u.warriors.die.sw.15"
+ 6, 0, "u.warriors.die.w.0"
+ 6, 1, "u.warriors.die.w.1"
+ 6, 2, "u.warriors.die.w.2"
+ 6, 3, "u.warriors.die.w.3"
+ 6, 4, "u.warriors.die.w.4"
+ 6, 5, "u.warriors.die.w.5"
+ 6, 6, "u.warriors.die.w.6"
+ 6, 7, "u.warriors.die.w.7"
+ 6, 8, "u.warriors.die.w.8"
+ 6, 9, "u.warriors.die.w.9"
+ 6, 10, "u.warriors.die.w.10"
+ 6, 11, "u.warriors.die.w.11"
+ 6, 12, "u.warriors.die.w.12"
+ 6, 13, "u.warriors.die.w.13"
+ 6, 14, "u.warriors.die.w.14"
+ 6, 15, "u.warriors.die.w.15"
+ 7, 0, "u.warriors.die.nw.0"
+ 7, 1, "u.warriors.die.nw.1"
+ 7, 2, "u.warriors.die.nw.2"
+ 7, 3, "u.warriors.die.nw.3"
+ 7, 4, "u.warriors.die.nw.4"
+ 7, 5, "u.warriors.die.nw.5"
+ 7, 6, "u.warriors.die.nw.6"
+ 7, 7, "u.warriors.die.nw.7"
+ 7, 8, "u.warriors.die.nw.8"
+ 7, 9, "u.warriors.die.nw.9"
+ 7, 10, "u.warriors.die.nw.10"
+ 7, 11, "u.warriors.die.nw.11"
+ 7, 12, "u.warriors.die.nw.12"
+ 7, 13, "u.warriors.die.nw.13"
+ 7, 14, "u.warriors.die.nw.14"
+ 7, 15, "u.warriors.die.nw.15"
+ 8, 0, "u.warriors.attack.n.0"
+ 8, 1, "u.warriors.attack.n.1"
+ 8, 2, "u.warriors.attack.n.2"
+ 8, 3, "u.warriors.attack.n.3"
+ 8, 4, "u.warriors.attack.n.4"
+ 8, 5, "u.warriors.attack.n.5"
+ 8, 6, "u.warriors.attack.n.6"
+ 8, 7, "u.warriors.attack.n.7"
+ 8, 8, "u.warriors.attack.n.8"
+ 8, 9, "u.warriors.attack.n.9"
+ 8, 10, "u.warriors.attack.n.10"
+ 8, 11, "u.warriors.attack.n.11"
+ 8, 12, "u.warriors.attack.n.12"
+ 8, 13, "u.warriors.attack.n.13"
+ 8, 14, "u.warriors.attack.n.14"
+ 8, 15, "u.warriors.attack.n.15"
+ 9, 0, "u.warriors.attack.ne.0"
+ 9, 1, "u.warriors.attack.ne.1"
+ 9, 2, "u.warriors.attack.ne.2"
+ 9, 3, "u.warriors.attack.ne.3"
+ 9, 4, "u.warriors.attack.ne.4"
+ 9, 5, "u.warriors.attack.ne.5"
+ 9, 6, "u.warriors.attack.ne.6"
+ 9, 7, "u.warriors.attack.ne.7"
+ 9, 8, "u.warriors.attack.ne.8"
+ 9, 9, "u.warriors.attack.ne.9"
+ 9, 10, "u.warriors.attack.ne.10"
+ 9, 11, "u.warriors.attack.ne.11"
+ 9, 12, "u.warriors.attack.ne.12"
+ 9, 13, "u.warriors.attack.ne.13"
+ 9, 14, "u.warriors.attack.ne.14"
+ 9, 15, "u.warriors.attack.ne.15"
+ 10, 0, "u.warriors.attack.e.0"
+ 10, 1, "u.warriors.attack.e.1"
+ 10, 2, "u.warriors.attack.e.2"
+ 10, 3, "u.warriors.attack.e.3"
+ 10, 4, "u.warriors.attack.e.4"
+ 10, 5, "u.warriors.attack.e.5"
+ 10, 6, "u.warriors.attack.e.6"
+ 10, 7, "u.warriors.attack.e.7"
+ 10, 8, "u.warriors.attack.e.8"
+ 10, 9, "u.warriors.attack.e.9"
+ 10, 10, "u.warriors.attack.e.10"
+ 10, 11, "u.warriors.attack.e.11"
+ 10, 12, "u.warriors.attack.e.12"
+ 10, 13, "u.warriors.attack.e.13"
+ 10, 14, "u.warriors.attack.e.14"
+ 10, 15, "u.warriors.attack.e.15"
+ 11, 0, "u.warriors.attack.se.0"
+ 11, 1, "u.warriors.attack.se.1"
+ 11, 2, "u.warriors.attack.se.2"
+ 11, 3, "u.warriors.attack.se.3"
+ 11, 4, "u.warriors.attack.se.4"
+ 11, 5, "u.warriors.attack.se.5"
+ 11, 6, "u.warriors.attack.se.6"
+ 11, 7, "u.warriors.attack.se.7"
+ 11, 8, "u.warriors.attack.se.8"
+ 11, 9, "u.warriors.attack.se.9"
+ 11, 10, "u.warriors.attack.se.10"
+ 11, 11, "u.warriors.attack.se.11"
+ 11, 12, "u.warriors.attack.se.12"
+ 11, 13, "u.warriors.attack.se.13"
+ 11, 14, "u.warriors.attack.se.14"
+ 11, 15, "u.warriors.attack.se.15"
+ 12, 0, "u.warriors.attack.s.0"
+ 12, 1, "u.warriors.attack.s.1"
+ 12, 2, "u.warriors.attack.s.2"
+ 12, 3, "u.warriors.attack.s.3"
+ 12, 4, "u.warriors.attack.s.4"
+ 12, 5, "u.warriors.attack.s.5"
+ 12, 6, "u.warriors.attack.s.6"
+ 12, 7, "u.warriors.attack.s.7"
+ 12, 8, "u.warriors.attack.s.8"
+ 12, 9, "u.warriors.attack.s.9"
+ 12, 10, "u.warriors.attack.s.10"
+ 12, 11, "u.warriors.attack.s.11"
+ 12, 12, "u.warriors.attack.s.12"
+ 12, 13, "u.warriors.attack.s.13"
+ 12, 14, "u.warriors.attack.s.14"
+ 12, 15, "u.warriors.attack.s.15"
+ 13, 0, "u.warriors.attack.sw.0"
+ 13, 1, "u.warriors.attack.sw.1"
+ 13, 2, "u.warriors.attack.sw.2"
+ 13, 3, "u.warriors.attack.sw.3"
+ 13, 4, "u.warriors.attack.sw.4"
+ 13, 5, "u.warriors.attack.sw.5"
+ 13, 6, "u.warriors.attack.sw.6"
+ 13, 7, "u.warriors.attack.sw.7"
+ 13, 8, "u.warriors.attack.sw.8"
+ 13, 9, "u.warriors.attack.sw.9"
+ 13, 10, "u.warriors.attack.sw.10"
+ 13, 11, "u.warriors.attack.sw.11"
+ 13, 12, "u.warriors.attack.sw.12"
+ 13, 13, "u.warriors.attack.sw.13"
+ 13, 14, "u.warriors.attack.sw.14"
+ 13, 15, "u.warriors.attack.sw.15"
+ 14, 0, "u.warriors.attack.w.0"
+ 14, 1, "u.warriors.attack.w.1"
+ 14, 2, "u.warriors.attack.w.2"
+ 14, 3, "u.warriors.attack.w.3"
+ 14, 4, "u.warriors.attack.w.4"
+ 14, 5, "u.warriors.attack.w.5"
+ 14, 6, "u.warriors.attack.w.6"
+ 14, 7, "u.warriors.attack.w.7"
+ 14, 8, "u.warriors.attack.w.8"
+ 14, 9, "u.warriors.attack.w.9"
+ 14, 10, "u.warriors.attack.w.10"
+ 14, 11, "u.warriors.attack.w.11"
+ 14, 12, "u.warriors.attack.w.12"
+ 14, 13, "u.warriors.attack.w.13"
+ 14, 14, "u.warriors.attack.w.14"
+ 14, 15, "u.warriors.attack.w.15"
+ 15, 0, "u.warriors.attack.nw.0"
+ 15, 1, "u.warriors.attack.nw.1"
+ 15, 2, "u.warriors.attack.nw.2"
+ 15, 3, "u.warriors.attack.nw.3"
+ 15, 4, "u.warriors.attack.nw.4"
+ 15, 5, "u.warriors.attack.nw.5"
+ 15, 6, "u.warriors.attack.nw.6"
+ 15, 7, "u.warriors.attack.nw.7"
+ 15, 8, "u.warriors.attack.nw.8"
+ 15, 9, "u.warriors.attack.nw.9"
+ 15, 10, "u.warriors.attack.nw.10"
+ 15, 11, "u.warriors.attack.nw.11"
+ 15, 12, "u.warriors.attack.nw.12"
+ 15, 13, "u.warriors.attack.nw.13"
+ 15, 14, "u.warriors.attack.nw.14"
+ 15, 15, "u.warriors.attack.nw.15"
+ 16, 0, "u.warriors.fortify.n.0"
+ 16, 1, "u.warriors.fortify.n.1"
+ 16, 2, "u.warriors.fortify.n.2"
+ 16, 3, "u.warriors.fortify.n.3"
+ 16, 4, "u.warriors.fortify.n.4"
+ 16, 5, "u.warriors.fortify.n.5"
+ 16, 6, "u.warriors.fortify.n.6"
+ 16, 7, "u.warriors.fortify.n.7"
+ 16, 8, "u.warriors.fortify.n.8"
+ 16, 9, "u.warriors.fortify.n.9"
+ 16, 10, "u.warriors.fortify.n.10"
+ 16, 11, "u.warriors.fortify.n.11"
+ 16, 12, "u.warriors.fortify.n.12"
+ 16, 13, "u.warriors.fortify.n.13"
+ 16, 14, "u.warriors.fortify.n.14"
+ 16, 15, "u.warriors.fortify.n.15"
+ 17, 0, "u.warriors.fortify.ne.0"
+ 17, 1, "u.warriors.fortify.ne.1"
+ 17, 2, "u.warriors.fortify.ne.2"
+ 17, 3, "u.warriors.fortify.ne.3"
+ 17, 4, "u.warriors.fortify.ne.4"
+ 17, 5, "u.warriors.fortify.ne.5"
+ 17, 6, "u.warriors.fortify.ne.6"
+ 17, 7, "u.warriors.fortify.ne.7"
+ 17, 8, "u.warriors.fortify.ne.8"
+ 17, 9, "u.warriors.fortify.ne.9"
+ 17, 10, "u.warriors.fortify.ne.10"
+ 17, 11, "u.warriors.fortify.ne.11"
+ 17, 12, "u.warriors.fortify.ne.12"
+ 17, 13, "u.warriors.fortify.ne.13"
+ 17, 14, "u.warriors.fortify.ne.14"
+ 17, 15, "u.warriors.fortify.ne.15"
+ 18, 0, "u.warriors.fortify.e.0"
+ 18, 1, "u.warriors.fortify.e.1"
+ 18, 2, "u.warriors.fortify.e.2"
+ 18, 3, "u.warriors.fortify.e.3"
+ 18, 4, "u.warriors.fortify.e.4"
+ 18, 5, "u.warriors.fortify.e.5"
+ 18, 6, "u.warriors.fortify.e.6"
+ 18, 7, "u.warriors.fortify.e.7"
+ 18, 8, "u.warriors.fortify.e.8"
+ 18, 9, "u.warriors.fortify.e.9"
+ 18, 10, "u.warriors.fortify.e.10"
+ 18, 11, "u.warriors.fortify.e.11"
+ 18, 12, "u.warriors.fortify.e.12"
+ 18, 13, "u.warriors.fortify.e.13"
+ 18, 14, "u.warriors.fortify.e.14"
+ 18, 15, "u.warriors.fortify.e.15"
+ 19, 0, "u.warriors.fortify.se.0"
+ 19, 1, "u.warriors.fortify.se.1"
+ 19, 2, "u.warriors.fortify.se.2"
+ 19, 3, "u.warriors.fortify.se.3"
+ 19, 4, "u.warriors.fortify.se.4"
+ 19, 5, "u.warriors.fortify.se.5"
+ 19, 6, "u.warriors.fortify.se.6"
+ 19, 7, "u.warriors.fortify.se.7"
+ 19, 8, "u.warriors.fortify.se.8"
+ 19, 9, "u.warriors.fortify.se.9"
+ 19, 10, "u.warriors.fortify.se.10"
+ 19, 11, "u.warriors.fortify.se.11"
+ 19, 12, "u.warriors.fortify.se.12"
+ 19, 13, "u.warriors.fortify.se.13"
+ 19, 14, "u.warriors.fortify.se.14"
+ 19, 15, "u.warriors.fortify.se.15"
+ 20, 0, "u.warriors.fortify.s.0"
+ 20, 1, "u.warriors.fortify.s.1"
+ 20, 2, "u.warriors.fortify.s.2"
+ 20, 3, "u.warriors.fortify.s.3"
+ 20, 4, "u.warriors.fortify.s.4"
+ 20, 5, "u.warriors.fortify.s.5"
+ 20, 6, "u.warriors.fortify.s.6"
+ 20, 7, "u.warriors.fortify.s.7"
+ 20, 8, "u.warriors.fortify.s.8"
+ 20, 9, "u.warriors.fortify.s.9"
+ 20, 10, "u.warriors.fortify.s.10"
+ 20, 11, "u.warriors.fortify.s.11"
+ 20, 12, "u.warriors.fortify.s.12"
+ 20, 13, "u.warriors.fortify.s.13"
+ 20, 14, "u.warriors.fortify.s.14"
+ 20, 15, "u.warriors.fortify.s.15"
+ 21, 0, "u.warriors.fortify.sw.0"
+ 21, 1, "u.warriors.fortify.sw.1"
+ 21, 2, "u.warriors.fortify.sw.2"
+ 21, 3, "u.warriors.fortify.sw.3"
+ 21, 4, "u.warriors.fortify.sw.4"
+ 21, 5, "u.warriors.fortify.sw.5"
+ 21, 6, "u.warriors.fortify.sw.6"
+ 21, 7, "u.warriors.fortify.sw.7"
+ 21, 8, "u.warriors.fortify.sw.8"
+ 21, 9, "u.warriors.fortify.sw.9"
+ 21, 10, "u.warriors.fortify.sw.10"
+ 21, 11, "u.warriors.fortify.sw.11"
+ 21, 12, "u.warriors.fortify.sw.12"
+ 21, 13, "u.warriors.fortify.sw.13"
+ 21, 14, "u.warriors.fortify.sw.14"
+ 21, 15, "u.warriors.fortify.sw.15"
+ 22, 0, "u.warriors.fortify.w.0"
+ 22, 1, "u.warriors.fortify.w.1"
+ 22, 2, "u.warriors.fortify.w.2"
+ 22, 3, "u.warriors.fortify.w.3"
+ 22, 4, "u.warriors.fortify.w.4"
+ 22, 5, "u.warriors.fortify.w.5"
+ 22, 6, "u.warriors.fortify.w.6"
+ 22, 7, "u.warriors.fortify.w.7"
+ 22, 8, "u.warriors.fortify.w.8"
+ 22, 9, "u.warriors.fortify.w.9"
+ 22, 10, "u.warriors.fortify.w.10"
+ 22, 11, "u.warriors.fortify.w.11"
+ 22, 12, "u.warriors.fortify.w.12"
+ 22, 13, "u.warriors.fortify.w.13"
+ 22, 14, "u.warriors.fortify.w.14"
+ 22, 15, "u.warriors.fortify.w.15"
+ 23, 0, "u.warriors.fortify.nw.0"
+ 23, 1, "u.warriors.fortify.nw.1"
+ 23, 2, "u.warriors.fortify.nw.2"
+ 23, 3, "u.warriors.fortify.nw.3"
+ 23, 4, "u.warriors.fortify.nw.4"
+ 23, 5, "u.warriors.fortify.nw.5"
+ 23, 6, "u.warriors.fortify.nw.6"
+ 23, 7, "u.warriors.fortify.nw.7"
+ 23, 8, "u.warriors.fortify.nw.8"
+ 23, 9, "u.warriors.fortify.nw.9"
+ 23, 10, "u.warriors.fortify.nw.10"
+ 23, 11, "u.warriors.fortify.nw.11"
+ 23, 12, "u.warriors.fortify.nw.12"
+ 23, 13, "u.warriors.fortify.nw.13"
+ 23, 14, "u.warriors.fortify.nw.14"
+ 23, 15, "u.warriors.fortify.nw.15"
+ 24, 0, "u.warriors.move.n.0"
+ 24, 1, "u.warriors.move.n.1"
+ 24, 2, "u.warriors.move.n.2"
+ 24, 3, "u.warriors.move.n.3"
+ 24, 4, "u.warriors.move.n.4"
+ 24, 5, "u.warriors.move.n.5"
+ 24, 6, "u.warriors.move.n.6"
+ 24, 7, "u.warriors.move.n.7"
+ 24, 8, "u.warriors.move.n.8"
+ 24, 9, "u.warriors.move.n.9"
+ 24, 10, "u.warriors.move.n.10"
+ 24, 11, "u.warriors.move.n.11"
+ 24, 12, "u.warriors.move.n.12"
+ 24, 13, "u.warriors.move.n.13"
+ 24, 14, "u.warriors.move.n.14"
+ 24, 15, "u.warriors.move.n.15"
+ 25, 0, "u.warriors.move.ne.0"
+ 25, 1, "u.warriors.move.ne.1"
+ 25, 2, "u.warriors.move.ne.2"
+ 25, 3, "u.warriors.move.ne.3"
+ 25, 4, "u.warriors.move.ne.4"
+ 25, 5, "u.warriors.move.ne.5"
+ 25, 6, "u.warriors.move.ne.6"
+ 25, 7, "u.warriors.move.ne.7"
+ 25, 8, "u.warriors.move.ne.8"
+ 25, 9, "u.warriors.move.ne.9"
+ 25, 10, "u.warriors.move.ne.10"
+ 25, 11, "u.warriors.move.ne.11"
+ 25, 12, "u.warriors.move.ne.12"
+ 25, 13, "u.warriors.move.ne.13"
+ 25, 14, "u.warriors.move.ne.14"
+ 25, 15, "u.warriors.move.ne.15"
+ 26, 0, "u.warriors.move.e.0"
+ 26, 1, "u.warriors.move.e.1"
+ 26, 2, "u.warriors.move.e.2"
+ 26, 3, "u.warriors.move.e.3"
+ 26, 4, "u.warriors.move.e.4"
+ 26, 5, "u.warriors.move.e.5"
+ 26, 6, "u.warriors.move.e.6"
+ 26, 7, "u.warriors.move.e.7"
+ 26, 8, "u.warriors.move.e.8"
+ 26, 9, "u.warriors.move.e.9"
+ 26, 10, "u.warriors.move.e.10"
+ 26, 11, "u.warriors.move.e.11"
+ 26, 12, "u.warriors.move.e.12"
+ 26, 13, "u.warriors.move.e.13"
+ 26, 14, "u.warriors.move.e.14"
+ 26, 15, "u.warriors.move.e.15"
+ 27, 0, "u.warriors.move.se.0"
+ 27, 1, "u.warriors.move.se.1"
+ 27, 2, "u.warriors.move.se.2"
+ 27, 3, "u.warriors.move.se.3"
+ 27, 4, "u.warriors.move.se.4"
+ 27, 5, "u.warriors.move.se.5"
+ 27, 6, "u.warriors.move.se.6"
+ 27, 7, "u.warriors.move.se.7"
+ 27, 8, "u.warriors.move.se.8"
+ 27, 9, "u.warriors.move.se.9"
+ 27, 10, "u.warriors.move.se.10"
+ 27, 11, "u.warriors.move.se.11"
+ 27, 12, "u.warriors.move.se.12"
+ 27, 13, "u.warriors.move.se.13"
+ 27, 14, "u.warriors.move.se.14"
+ 27, 15, "u.warriors.move.se.15"
+ 28, 0, "u.warriors.move.s.0"
+ 28, 1, "u.warriors.move.s.1"
+ 28, 2, "u.warriors.move.s.2"
+ 28, 3, "u.warriors.move.s.3"
+ 28, 4, "u.warriors.move.s.4"
+ 28, 5, "u.warriors.move.s.5"
+ 28, 6, "u.warriors.move.s.6"
+ 28, 7, "u.warriors.move.s.7"
+ 28, 8, "u.warriors.move.s.8"
+ 28, 9, "u.warriors.move.s.9"
+ 28, 10, "u.warriors.move.s.10"
+ 28, 11, "u.warriors.move.s.11"
+ 28, 12, "u.warriors.move.s.12"
+ 28, 13, "u.warriors.move.s.13"
+ 28, 14, "u.warriors.move.s.14"
+ 28, 15, "u.warriors.move.s.15"
+ 29, 0, "u.warriors.move.sw.0"
+ 29, 1, "u.warriors.move.sw.1"
+ 29, 2, "u.warriors.move.sw.2"
+ 29, 3, "u.warriors.move.sw.3"
+ 29, 4, "u.warriors.move.sw.4"
+ 29, 5, "u.warriors.move.sw.5"
+ 29, 6, "u.warriors.move.sw.6"
+ 29, 7, "u.warriors.move.sw.7"
+ 29, 8, "u.warriors.move.sw.8"
+ 29, 9, "u.warriors.move.sw.9"
+ 29, 10, "u.warriors.move.sw.10"
+ 29, 11, "u.warriors.move.sw.11"
+ 29, 12, "u.warriors.move.sw.12"
+ 29, 13, "u.warriors.move.sw.13"
+ 29, 14, "u.warriors.move.sw.14"
+ 29, 15, "u.warriors.move.sw.15"
+ 30, 0, "u.warriors.move.w.0"
+ 30, 1, "u.warriors.move.w.1"
+ 30, 2, "u.warriors.move.w.2"
+ 30, 3, "u.warriors.move.w.3"
+ 30, 4, "u.warriors.move.w.4"
+ 30, 5, "u.warriors.move.w.5"
+ 30, 6, "u.warriors.move.w.6"
+ 30, 7, "u.warriors.move.w.7"
+ 30, 8, "u.warriors.move.w.8"
+ 30, 9, "u.warriors.move.w.9"
+ 30, 10, "u.warriors.move.w.10"
+ 30, 11, "u.warriors.move.w.11"
+ 30, 12, "u.warriors.move.w.12"
+ 30, 13, "u.warriors.move.w.13"
+ 30, 14, "u.warriors.move.w.14"
+ 30, 15, "u.warriors.move.w.15"
+ 31, 0, "u.warriors.move.nw.0"
+ 31, 1, "u.warriors.move.nw.1"
+ 31, 2, "u.warriors.move.nw.2"
+ 31, 3, "u.warriors.move.nw.3"
+ 31, 4, "u.warriors.move.nw.4"
+ 31, 5, "u.warriors.move.nw.5"
+ 31, 6, "u.warriors.move.nw.6"
+ 31, 7, "u.warriors.move.nw.7"
+ 31, 8, "u.warriors.move.nw.8"
+ 31, 9, "u.warriors.move.nw.9"
+ 31, 10, "u.warriors.move.nw.10"
+ 31, 11, "u.warriors.move.nw.11"
+ 31, 12, "u.warriors.move.nw.12"
+ 31, 13, "u.warriors.move.nw.13"
+ 31, 14, "u.warriors.move.nw.14"
+ 31, 15, "u.warriors.move.nw.15"
+ 32, 0, "u.warriors.stand.n.0"
+ 32, 1, "u.warriors.stand.n.1"
+ 32, 2, "u.warriors.stand.n.2"
+ 32, 3, "u.warriors.stand.n.3"
+ 32, 4, "u.warriors.stand.n.4"
+ 32, 5, "u.warriors.stand.n.5"
+ 32, 6, "u.warriors.stand.n.6"
+ 32, 7, "u.warriors.stand.n.7"
+ 32, 8, "u.warriors.stand.n.8"
+ 32, 9, "u.warriors.stand.n.9"
+ 32, 10, "u.warriors.stand.n.10"
+ 32, 11, "u.warriors.stand.n.11"
+ 32, 12, "u.warriors.stand.n.12"
+ 32, 13, "u.warriors.stand.n.13"
+ 32, 14, "u.warriors.stand.n.14"
+ 32, 15, "u.warriors.stand.n.15"
+ 33, 0, "u.warriors.stand.ne.0"
+ 33, 1, "u.warriors.stand.ne.1"
+ 33, 2, "u.warriors.stand.ne.2"
+ 33, 3, "u.warriors.stand.ne.3"
+ 33, 4, "u.warriors.stand.ne.4"
+ 33, 5, "u.warriors.stand.ne.5"
+ 33, 6, "u.warriors.stand.ne.6"
+ 33, 7, "u.warriors.stand.ne.7"
+ 33, 8, "u.warriors.stand.ne.8"
+ 33, 9, "u.warriors.stand.ne.9"
+ 33, 10, "u.warriors.stand.ne.10"
+ 33, 11, "u.warriors.stand.ne.11"
+ 33, 12, "u.warriors.stand.ne.12"
+ 33, 13, "u.warriors.stand.ne.13"
+ 33, 14, "u.warriors.stand.ne.14"
+ 33, 15, "u.warriors.stand.ne.15"
+ 34, 0, "u.warriors.stand.e.0"
+ 34, 1, "u.warriors.stand.e.1"
+ 34, 2, "u.warriors.stand.e.2"
+ 34, 3, "u.warriors.stand.e.3"
+ 34, 4, "u.warriors.stand.e.4"
+ 34, 5, "u.warriors.stand.e.5"
+ 34, 6, "u.warriors.stand.e.6"
+ 34, 7, "u.warriors.stand.e.7"
+ 34, 8, "u.warriors.stand.e.8"
+ 34, 9, "u.warriors.stand.e.9"
+ 34, 10, "u.warriors.stand.e.10"
+ 34, 11, "u.warriors.stand.e.11"
+ 34, 12, "u.warriors.stand.e.12"
+ 34, 13, "u.warriors.stand.e.13"
+ 34, 14, "u.warriors.stand.e.14"
+ 34, 15, "u.warriors.stand.e.15"
+ 35, 0, "u.warriors.stand.se.0"
+ 35, 1, "u.warriors.stand.se.1"
+ 35, 2, "u.warriors.stand.se.2"
+ 35, 3, "u.warriors.stand.se.3"
+ 35, 4, "u.warriors.stand.se.4"
+ 35, 5, "u.warriors.stand.se.5"
+ 35, 6, "u.warriors.stand.se.6"
+ 35, 7, "u.warriors.stand.se.7"
+ 35, 8, "u.warriors.stand.se.8"
+ 35, 9, "u.warriors.stand.se.9"
+ 35, 10, "u.warriors.stand.se.10"
+ 35, 11, "u.warriors.stand.se.11"
+ 35, 12, "u.warriors.stand.se.12"
+ 35, 13, "u.warriors.stand.se.13"
+ 35, 14, "u.warriors.stand.se.14"
+ 35, 15, "u.warriors.stand.se.15"
+ 36, 0, "u.warriors.stand.s.0"
+ 36, 1, "u.warriors.stand.s.1"
+ 36, 2, "u.warriors.stand.s.2"
+ 36, 3, "u.warriors.stand.s.3"
+ 36, 4, "u.warriors.stand.s.4"
+ 36, 5, "u.warriors.stand.s.5"
+ 36, 6, "u.warriors.stand.s.6"
+ 36, 7, "u.warriors.stand.s.7"
+ 36, 8, "u.warriors.stand.s.8"
+ 36, 9, "u.warriors.stand.s.9"
+ 36, 10, "u.warriors.stand.s.10"
+ 36, 11, "u.warriors.stand.s.11"
+ 36, 12, "u.warriors.stand.s.12"
+ 36, 13, "u.warriors.stand.s.13"
+ 36, 14, "u.warriors.stand.s.14"
+ 36, 15, "u.warriors.stand.s.15"
+ 37, 0, "u.warriors.stand.sw.0"
+ 37, 1, "u.warriors.stand.sw.1"
+ 37, 2, "u.warriors.stand.sw.2"
+ 37, 3, "u.warriors.stand.sw.3"
+ 37, 4, "u.warriors.stand.sw.4"
+ 37, 5, "u.warriors.stand.sw.5"
+ 37, 6, "u.warriors.stand.sw.6"
+ 37, 7, "u.warriors.stand.sw.7"
+ 37, 8, "u.warriors.stand.sw.8"
+ 37, 9, "u.warriors.stand.sw.9"
+ 37, 10, "u.warriors.stand.sw.10"
+ 37, 11, "u.warriors.stand.sw.11"
+ 37, 12, "u.warriors.stand.sw.12"
+ 37, 13, "u.warriors.stand.sw.13"
+ 37, 14, "u.warriors.stand.sw.14"
+ 37, 15, "u.warriors.stand.sw.15"
+ 38, 0, "u.warriors.stand.w.0"
+ 38, 1, "u.warriors.stand.w.1"
+ 38, 2, "u.warriors.stand.w.2"
+ 38, 3, "u.warriors.stand.w.3"
+ 38, 4, "u.warriors.stand.w.4"
+ 38, 5, "u.warriors.stand.w.5"
+ 38, 6, "u.warriors.stand.w.6"
+ 38, 7, "u.warriors.stand.w.7"
+ 38, 8, "u.warriors.stand.w.8"
+ 38, 9, "u.warriors.stand.w.9"
+ 38, 10, "u.warriors.stand.w.10"
+ 38, 11, "u.warriors.stand.w.11"
+ 38, 12, "u.warriors.stand.w.12"
+ 38, 13, "u.warriors.stand.w.13"
+ 38, 14, "u.warriors.stand.w.14"
+ 38, 15, "u.warriors.stand.w.15"
+ 39, 0, "u.warriors.stand.nw.0"
+ 39, 1, "u.warriors.stand.nw.1"
+ 39, 2, "u.warriors.stand.nw.2"
+ 39, 3, "u.warriors.stand.nw.3"
+ 39, 4, "u.warriors.stand.nw.4"
+ 39, 5, "u.warriors.stand.nw.5"
+ 39, 6, "u.warriors.stand.nw.6"
+ 39, 7, "u.warriors.stand.nw.7"
+ 39, 8, "u.warriors.stand.nw.8"
+ 39, 9, "u.warriors.stand.nw.9"
+ 39, 10, "u.warriors.stand.nw.10"
+ 39, 11, "u.warriors.stand.nw.11"
+ 39, 12, "u.warriors.stand.nw.12"
+ 39, 13, "u.warriors.stand.nw.13"
+ 39, 14, "u.warriors.stand.nw.14"
+ 39, 15, "u.warriors.stand.nw.15"
