Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: October 2004:
[Freeciv-Dev] Suggestion for new NEWS file entry

[Freeciv-Dev] Suggestion for new NEWS file entry

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Suggestion for new NEWS file entry
From: Per Inge Mathisen <per@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 2004 21:06:45 +0000 (GMT)

I went over the massive ChangeLog (at and
compiled the following list of changes for 2.0. Please look over it, fix
errors, add omissions, suggest better wording, etc..

 - Player authentication with optional passwords.
 - AI is much improved, and does not use 'double-move' any more.
 - AI now does diplomacy with you (and against you)
 - New difficulty level: Novice.  The AI will be severely
   handicapped in this difficulty.
 - New units: AWACS and Worker.
 - Smarter autoexplorer and autosettler code.
 - There is now national borders.  Units inside your borders do
   not cause unhappiness under Republic and Democracy.
 - Modpack options vastly improved: You can customize buildings,
   add buildings as requirements to units, restrict technologies
   to certain nations, have split technology trees, gold upkeep
   for units, new units and terrain flags and lots of other options.
 - Civ1 and Civ2 rulesets now have waste.  Default ruleset does not.
 - Fewer popups (eg choose the new government from the menu directly)
 - Support for drawing civ3 graphics
 - 'Home' key centers on your capital
 - New 'load' and 'unload' commands for transporting units.
 - You can start the server and set server options from the client.
 - You can meet with other players for 20 turns after your units
   have last met, and you can exchange embassies when meeting.
 - It is no longer possible for one player to be in alliance with
   a player who is in war with another player you are allied with.
 - Global observer can observe the entire game.
 - Incite costs changed, now cities closer to capital, with
   units and with buildings have much higher incite cost.
 - Killing a defending diplomat now costs you 1 movement point.
 - You can bind the server to a given IP on multihomed hosts.
 - New client dialog which uses multicast to find servers on your LAN.
 - Compress network traffic and send only a delta (diff) of the data.
 - Units now have multiple, configurable veteran levels.
 - Team mates now pool their research and research as one. You may
   opt out and research individually by cancelling the 'Team' treaty.
 - Drag and drop goto.
 - Server has voting on commands and options. You need over 50% of votes.
 - When moving a unit from a transport on an ocean tile to a land tile,
   you lose all movement points.
 - GTK2 client can now run in fullscreen mode.
 - You can specify a list of players using the 'endgame' command that
   you would like to share victory with.
 - New method of settings map dimensions: Just use 'size'.
 - Add the Swiss, Afghanistan, Ethiopian, Assyrian, Columbian, Elvish,
   Galician, Hobbits, Indonesian, Kampuchean, Malaysian, Martian,
   Nigerian, Quebecois, Sumerian, Taiwanese, Austrian, Belgian,
   Phoenician and Mexican nations.
 - New wonder: The Eiffel Tower. Makes AIs love you and improves
 - The building requirements of several buildings have been changed.
 - Convert charsets as they are sent between client and server.  All
   data files are now in UTF-8.
 - The whale special is reduced to 2 food, 1 shield and 2 trade.
 - New metaserver.
 - New ALSA sound plugin.
 - Nations have preferred nations to fork off when civil war occurs.
 - Many more (smaller) changes, and massive changes under the hood.

We need a short version. Here is a suggestion:
 - Player authentication with optional passwords.
 - AI is much improved, and does not use 'double-move' any more.
 - AI now does diplomacy with you (and against you).
 - Much improved modpack support, including customizable buildings.
 - You can start the server and set server options from the client.
 - National borders, Eiffel Tower, and AWACS and Workers units.
 - Global observer, novice difficulty, and many changed rules.
 - Lots and lots of other stuff. See <URL> for details.

  - Per

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