Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2004:
[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#10177) Workers has activity, which it can't continue

[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#10177) Workers has activity, which it can't continue

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To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#10177) Workers has activity, which it can't continue
From: "Marko Lindqvist" <marko.lindqvist@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2004 05:59:46 -0700
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

  Got this message running autogame with todays CVS:

1: Workers at 9.26 (Plains) has activity Irrigation, which it can't 
1: Last message repeated 2 times

  Bad news is that I were using old autogame and it still tried to set 
'seed' and 'randseed', not 'mapseed' and 'gameseed' and 'saveturns' was 
0 on purpose. So I have nothing from which to reproduce.

  - Caz

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