Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2004:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#7584) [RFC]: generalizing terrain in mapgen

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#7584) [RFC]: generalizing terrain in mapgen

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To: jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#7584) [RFC]: generalizing terrain in mapgen
From: "Marcelo Burda" <mburda@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 00:45:12 -0700
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

Le jeu 09/09/2004 à 09:04, Jason Short a écrit :
> <URL: >
> To demonstrate my proposal for this, I rewrote mapgen.  It now follows 
> the algorithm I detailed before:
> - Generate an hmap.
> - Generate a tmap.
> - Place rivers and generate an mmap.
> - Place terrain, tile by tile, based on matching of the hmap,tmap,mmap 
> to the values specified for the terrain in the ruleset.
> Only gen1 works, but it works quite well.  There are about 70 different 
> editable values in the ruleset, so there is a lot of possibility for 
> tweaking the behavior.  In all I am quite happy with it.  Only a few 
> hacks are included in the code: polar hmap adjustment and desert mmap 
> adjustment.

 adjust these numericals value trought a black box (the generator) is a
crazzy work. no body can do something like this right. evidenttly we can
do something working but we can do it with less thant that. this is not
real freedom but a pseudo-freedom.

maybe 3 baease values to select can be apear too little but i think the
best is begin with some value 3-5 and (IF REALLY NEEDED) chngee it

(this is a bese postulat of physicist, do simple first, if this fail do
more complex) ok, ok, you known a little of physics, some one simple is
not so simple :-) 

after my work i think 5 values are ok
wetness = (oceanic, wet, medium, dray)
steepmess = (flat, hilly, abrupt)
temperature = (frizzed, cold, temperate, topical)
miselaneous = ( NeverNearCold, Low ) 
likelihood = 0-100 

likelihood is the only numerical value.
* NeverNearCold, can be used to place a dessert near tundra civ3 tileset
and is not very specific, low to place swamp (if wanted), or to best
start rivers)

we has time to compare views, i am not at this step of work, i am just
put a workable tmap, i go work in wetnes/mmap in next day. 

but think, is really so much numbers a good thing? some one exept us can
understand it? some one (us too) is really able to has real control of
this today and tomorrow(when some peuple change gen code)?

> There are not yet any server parameters controlling the behavior.  I 
> would like to add a parameter each for height, temperature, and moisture 
> that just changes the distribution of the values.
this is done in one of my patch

> I'd also like to see what you could do with this and a civ3 terrain 
> system.  The drawing code should be sufficient to support civ3 graphics 
> in the client.  All that's missing from the code is the terrain 
> restrictions civ3 imposes (e.g., tundra can't border desert).
i need kown all restrictions plz do a list

are these restrictions needed? we can't complete the tileset to avoid
some of them?

> jason

any way , your generator is funy
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