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[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#7123) Metaissue for FS

[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#7123) Metaissue for FS

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To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#7123) Metaissue for FS
From: "Raimar Falke" <i-freeciv-lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 07:43:56 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >


This is an issue which should track the development of a new client
called FS. Lacking a better name I named it gui-fs. FS stands for
fixed size or full screen. The idea:
 - OS and graphical API independent client
 - fixed size (one of 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024), but
 multiple possible
 - own widget set to get all the features we want (borders, skins,
 transparency, tooltips, ...)

gui-fs is similar to gui-sdl but not limited to SDL. It currently
supports plain X11. Planned/possible is also DirectX (or some other
Win API), Amiga, SDL, BeOS,...

You can view screenshots at


This current version was heavy inspired by the SDL client and is more
a technology test. It contains a screen for login, one for the nation
selection and one for the main map. No city dialog. Nothing else. I
will update the client for current CVS and will start working on in at
the next year.

However I need your help with the client. I have slitted the problem
into 5 parts.


I will create a new issue for each of these and will explain these in
more detail.

1) drawing abstraction layer: it encapsulates all OS and drawing
depending code. For each backend you have to implement 21 functions. I
have coded the backend for X11 (~1k lines). Other people have do code
the Windows and other backends.

Status: X11 backend works but further backends are needed by other.

2) widget set: provides functionality for different widgets.

Status: implemented are currently WT_WINDOW, WT_BUTTON, WT_EDIT,
WT_LABEL, WT_LIST,WT_CLIST and WT_SLIDER. The code however needs
rework. I will do this.

3) creation of a graphical style: this means the creation of a freeciv
specific look-and-feel. This includes how a buttons should look like,
how text is drawn, colors used, background images, use of alpha
blending and so on.

Status: I have just copied the SDL graphics and ideas. However this
part needs heavy work and a lot of input from others.

4) screen design: what controls and informations are in the screens
and how are these layouted. A screen here is a dialog with the maximum
(screen) size. The result are a set of templates like

Status: I have some ideas but a lot of work needs to be done.

5) the client itself: as a clue between the widget set, the screen and
the general freeciv code.

Status: this is a rather easy task since the existing code from other
client can be copied.


I can do 1, 2 and 5 but for the style and screen design I need
help. Every help is appreciated. Of course help is also accepted in
the other areas.


 email: rf13@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 "Many of my assistants were fans of Tolkien, who wrote 'Lord of the Rings'
  and a number of other children's stories for adults.  The first character
  alphabet that was programmed for my plotter was Elvish rather than Latin."
    -- from SAIs "life as a computer for a quarter of a century"

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