Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: November 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#6585) Delta version 9

[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#6585) Delta version 9

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To: i-freeciv-lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#6585) Delta version 9
From: "Mike Kaufman" <kaufman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2003 11:28:03 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

Some comments:

DOC/HACKING: give [order of] files to which you should direct attention to
 learn about the delta patch. (eg. "Look at common/packets.def first...")

 Also there should be a step by step of what it takes to add a new packet
 even if it's just:
   1. edit common/packets.def
   2. run  common/

 But we should also explain if autoconf/automake/configure/etc need to be 
 run afterward.

 Also, The HINT packets, and how they're used is not explained to my 
 satisfaction. What sends these packets? Why are they needed for compression?


  They just start and end with a line only containing "end". Header
  line is: "<struct-name>;<packet-type>;<flags>". If packet-type isn't
  given the packet type is given as parameter. Flags is a comma
  seperated list of:

// this is extremely unclear, better would be:

  A packet definition starts with and header line, contains variable
  declarations, and ends with a single line containing the word "end"
  PACKET_<PACKET_NAME>=<packet num>; [<packet flags>]
    <type1> <field1>; [<field flags>]
    <type2> <field2>; [<field flags>]

// should have a subsection here labeled:

   Header line:

// now give exact syntax for the header line. in none of the packets I
// see a <struct-name> so I have no idea what the hell it is or does.
// include the purpose and convention of the numbering...

// this should be a subsubsection.
   Packet flags:

   you really need to give a skeleton example here.

     // "pre", "post" should have separate lines.

     (packet_req_join_game). Sadly this also disables the use of 0 as
     the default value.
    // no packet by that name anymore

     no-handle: don't generate handle_* prototypes
    // explain the consequences here.

     add-cap: only transfer this field if the given capability is
     available at runtime.

     remove-cap: don't transfer this field if the given capability is
     available at runtime.

     // I take these take arguments somehow. give an example.

     // nothing for lsend, dsend?

     // "sc" and "cs" not even mentioned.

  # typedefs for arrays/structs
  MEMORY should be changed to BYTE

// There should be a comment before the packets begin giving a list of the 
// packet groupings to come and the comment should also give the number of
// the last packet so I don't have to strain when adding a new one.

// for PACKET_AUTHENTICATION_REPLY you have: cs,handle-per-conn,no-handle
// but if there's no prototype, why do we need handle-per-conn?

// for PACKET_CITY_NAME_SUGGESTION_REQ, the comment should go above both of
// those packets

  # _PLACE_STRUCTURAL: index to sship->structure[]
  # others: new value for sship->fuel etc; should be just
  #     one more than current value of ship->fuel etc
  #     (used to avoid possible problems if we send duplicate
  #     packets when client auto-builds?)

// I don't understand...


  bitvector(bv_terrain_flags) flags;

// bitvector type is not mentioned above?


should output (on terminal) what files are being generated when it is 
being run. (perhaps with a -v flag)

// unintelligible. need more comments.


// missing packet numbers, wtf? where's 77, 82, 109, etc? and what's up 
// with 134?

// also, freeze_hint and thaw_hint should be packets 2 and 3 or 4 and 5
// if they're critical packets (though I'm reserving judgement.)


// I still would appreciate function comment headers even if they're empty
// somewhere, the way you handle variants is going to have to be explained...


// there needs to be a big honking comment where you #include srv_main_gen.c
// ditto on civclient_gen.c

I have NO idea how on earth to actually add a packet if I need to:
take for example the new effects in packets.c:

@@ -532,6 +535,65 @@

+ puts a packet's vector of effect definitions onto the wire.
+static void package_effect_defs(struct data_out *dout, 
+                                struct effect_defn_vector *vec)
+  int count = effect_defn_vector_size(vec);
+  dio_put_uint8(dout, count);
+  effect_defn_vector_iterate(*vec, defn) {
+    dio_put_uint8(dout, defn->type);
+    dio_put_uint8(dout, defn->range);
+    dio_put_uint8(dout, defn->outside);
+    dio_put_sint16(dout, defn->amount);
+    dio_put_sint16(dout, defn->value1);
+    dio_put_sint16(dout, defn->value2);
+    dio_put_uint8(dout, defn->cond_bldg);
+    dio_put_uint32(dout, defn->cond_nat);
+    dio_put_uint8(dout, defn->cond_gov);
+    dio_put_uint8(dout, defn->cond_adv);
+    dio_put_uint8(dout, defn->cond_eff);
+    dio_put_uint8(dout, defn->aff_unit);
+    dio_put_uint8(dout, defn->aff_terr);
+    dio_put_uint16(dout, defn->aff_spec);
+  } effect_defn_vector_iterate_end;
+ takes a vector of effect definitions off the wire and into a packet.
+static void unpackage_effect_defs(struct data_in *din, 
+                                  struct effect_defn_vector *vec)
+  int count;
+  dio_get_uint8(din, &count);
+  effect_defn_vector_init(vec);
+  effect_defn_vector_reserve(vec, count);
+  effect_defn_vector_iterate(*vec, defn) {
+    dio_get_uint8(din, (int *)&defn->type);
+    dio_get_uint8(din, (int *)&defn->range);
+    dio_get_uint8(din, (int *)&defn->outside);
+    dio_get_sint16(din, (int *)&defn->amount);
+    dio_get_sint16(din, (int *)&defn->value1);
+    dio_get_sint16(din, (int *)&defn->value2);
+    dio_get_uint8(din, &defn->cond_bldg);
+    dio_get_uint32(din, &defn->cond_nat);
+    dio_get_uint8(din, &defn->cond_gov);
+    dio_get_uint8(din, &defn->cond_adv);
+    dio_get_uint8(din, (int *)&defn->cond_eff);
+    dio_get_uint8(din, (int *)&defn->aff_unit);
+    dio_get_uint8(din, (int *)&defn->aff_terr);
+    dio_get_uint16(din, (int *)&defn->aff_spec);
+  } effect_defn_vector_iterate_end;

@@ -1934,6 +1996,35 @@
+int send_packet_effect(struct connection *pc,
+                       const struct packet_effect *packet)
+  dio_put_uint8(&dout, packet->add_effect);
+  dio_put_uint8(&dout, packet->playerno);
+  package_effect_defs(&dout, (struct effect_defn_vector*)&packet->effect_defs);
+struct packet_effect *receive_packet_effect(struct connection *pc)
+  RECEIVE_PACKET_START(packet_effect, packet);
+  dio_get_uint8(&din, (int*)&packet->add_effect);
+  dio_get_uint8(&din, &packet->playerno);
+  unpackage_effect_defs(&din, &packet->effect_defs);

@@ -2115,6 +2206,9 @@
   dio_put_uint8(&dout, packet->fuel);
   DIO_BV_PUT(&dout, packet->flags);
   DIO_BV_PUT(&dout, packet->roles);
+  package_effect_defs(&dout, (struct effect_defn_vector*)&packet->effect_defs);
   dio_put_uint8(&dout, packet->happy_cost);   /* unit upkeep -- SKi */
   dio_put_uint8(&dout, packet->shield_cost);
   dio_put_uint8(&dout, packet->food_cost);
@@ -2170,6 +2264,9 @@
   dio_get_uint8(&din, &packet->fuel);
   DIO_BV_GET(&din, packet->flags);
   DIO_BV_GET(&din, packet->roles);
+  unpackage_effect_defs(&din, &packet->effect_defs);
   dio_get_uint8(&din, &packet->happy_cost);   /* unit upkeep -- SKi */
   dio_get_uint8(&din, &packet->shield_cost);
   dio_get_uint8(&din, &packet->food_cost);
@@ -2228,6 +2325,8 @@
     dio_put_string(&dout, packet->graphic_alt);

+  package_effect_defs(&dout, (struct effect_defn_vector*)&packet->effect_defs);
   /* This must be last, so client can determine length: */
   if(packet->helptext) {
     dio_put_string(&dout, packet->helptext);

etc... how do you do this? and then removing struct impr_effect *effect; is it
simply as easy to do as:
@@ -714,8 +719,8 @@
   int build_cost;
   int upkeep;
   int sabotage;
-  struct impr_effect *effect;
-  int variant;         /* FIXME: remove when gen-impr obsoletes */
+  struct effect_defn_vector effect_defs;
+  int variant;                 /* FIXME: remove when gen-impr obsoletes */
   char *helptext;              /* same as for packet_ruleset_unit, above */
   char soundtag[MAX_LEN_NAME];
   char soundtag_alt[MAX_LEN_NAME];
@@ -832,6 +837,8 @@


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