Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#2549) enum citizen_type with citizens styles

[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#2549) enum citizen_type with citizens styles

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To: bursig@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#2549) enum citizen_type with citizens styles
From: "Jason Short via RT" <rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 14:37:58 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

[bursig - Wed Jan 15 14:14:16 2003]:

> [bursig - Wed Dec 11 18:16:41 2002]:
> > This is citizens style patch integrated with new citizen_type enum
> > and get_citizen_sprite funct.

- capstr.c needs to be updated (doesn't it always...).

- there's a syntax error in ruleset.c.

- the code needs to be able to deal with cases where pcity==NULL.  This
is used by the gtk client and others for unsubstantiated citizens, for
instance the tax/luxury/science rate images.  Simply using
get_player_city_style(game.player_ptr) as the style in this case should
be sufficient.

- the code needs to be able to deal with cases where we don't know the
style yet - when we aren't connected to a server or the game hasn't
started.  Here you can use the default (original) sprite graphics, but
they need to be loaded first.  Note that (I think) player_ptr == NULL in
this case, and certainly sprites.citizen[type].count[style] == 0 at this
point (the city style graphics are only loaded when we connect to the
server).  Simply leaving in the old loading code and structures should
suffice for this.


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