Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: November 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] tilesets

[Freeciv-Dev] tilesets

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] tilesets
From: Jason Dorje Short <vze49r5w@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 16:12:27 -0500
Reply-to: jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I've looked at all of the available tilesets, and I have some comments/questions.

* The .tar.bz2 for r-hires is corrupt. The .tar.gz works. But it is the bz2 file that is linked to from the downloads page.

* r-hires and FT have some _very_ nice terrain graphics (and some bad ones). But they use the confusing-though-pretty-because-they're-so-large hires units.

* Why are tilesets from 1.9.0 and before supposed to not work? They all seem to work for me.

* I took a screenshot of the terrain of each isometric tileset (with lots of mountains and hills). These are at

* I also assembled a "new" tileset using isotrident, plus the hills from r-hires and the mountains from FT (which are also used in isoengels). There's a screenshot of that as well. I've attached the specfiles for this tileset - just drop them into your data directory, and make sure you have isotrident, ft, and r-hires all installed.


; Format and options of this tilespec file:
options = "+tilespec2"

; A simple name for the tileset specified by this file:
name = "MacroIsoTrident"

; TODO: add more overall information fields on tiles, 
; eg, description, authors, colors, etc.

; Basic tile sizes:
normal_tile_width  = 64
normal_tile_height = 32
small_tile_width   = 15
small_tile_height  = 20

is_isometric = 1

; Font to use to draw city names:
city_names_font = "9x15bold"

; Font to use to draw city productions:
city_productions_font = "6x13"

; Should flags be drawn as transparent:  (else opaque)
flags_are_transparent = 1

; These are special because they get freed and reloaded
; as required:
main_intro_file    = "misc/intro"
minimap_intro_file = "misc/radar"

; Below, the graphics spec files; must be somewhere (anywhere) in 
; the data path. Order may be important for color allocation on 
; low-color systems, and if there are any duplicate tags (lattermost
; tag is used).
files = 

; Format and options of this spec file:
options = "+spec2"

gfx = "r-hires/terrain2"


x_top_left = 1
y_top_left = 1
dx = 64
dy = 32
is_pixel_border = 1

tiles = { "row", "column","tag"

;hills as overlay

 8,  0, "tx.s_hill_n0s0e0w0"
 8,  1, "tx.s_hill_n1s0e0w0"
 8,  2, "tx.s_hill_n0s0e1w0"
 8,  3, "tx.s_hill_n1s0e1w0"
 8,  4, "tx.s_hill_n0s1e0w0"
 8,  5, "tx.s_hill_n1s1e0w0"
 8,  6, "tx.s_hill_n0s1e1w0"
 8,  7, "tx.s_hill_n1s1e1w0"
 9,  0, "tx.s_hill_n0s0e0w1"
 9,  1, "tx.s_hill_n1s0e0w1"
 9,  2, "tx.s_hill_n0s0e1w1"
 9,  3, "tx.s_hill_n1s0e1w1"
 9,  4, "tx.s_hill_n0s1e0w1"
 9,  5, "tx.s_hill_n1s1e0w1"
 9,  6, "tx.s_hill_n0s1e1w1"
 9,  7, "tx.s_hill_n1s1e1w1"


; Format and options of this spec file:
options = "+spec2"

gfx = "ft/terrain2"


x_top_left = 1
y_top_left = 1
dx = 64
dy = 32
is_pixel_border = 1

tiles = { "row", "column","tag"

;mountains as overlay

 6,  0, "tx.s_mountain_n0s0e0w0"
 6,  1, "tx.s_mountain_n1s0e0w0"
 6,  2, "tx.s_mountain_n0s0e1w0"
 6,  3, "tx.s_mountain_n1s0e1w0"
 6,  4, "tx.s_mountain_n0s1e0w0"
 6,  5, "tx.s_mountain_n1s1e0w0"
 6,  6, "tx.s_mountain_n0s1e1w0"
 6,  7, "tx.s_mountain_n1s1e1w0"
 7,  0, "tx.s_mountain_n0s0e0w1"
 7,  1, "tx.s_mountain_n1s0e0w1"
 7,  2, "tx.s_mountain_n0s0e1w1"
 7,  3, "tx.s_mountain_n1s0e1w1"
 7,  4, "tx.s_mountain_n0s1e0w1"
 7,  5, "tx.s_mountain_n1s1e0w1"
 7,  6, "tx.s_mountain_n0s1e1w1"
 7,  7, "tx.s_mountain_n1s1e1w1"


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