Dnia 2002.11.14 04:41 freeciv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx napisa³(a):
This is an automated notification of a change to freeciv cvs,
on Wed Nov 13 19:39:43 PST 2002 = Thu Nov 14 03:39:43 2002 (GMT)
by Jason Dorje Short <jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
---- Files affected:
freeciv/client cityrepdata.c cityrepdata.h
freeciv/client/gui-gtk cityrep.c
---- Log message:
Add 16 new possible city report columns. Change the GTK client's city
report so that when editing the list of columns used the choices are
into two columns.
Patch by Tuomas Airaksinen <tuomas.airaksinen@xxxxxxxxxx> as PR#737,
changes by me.
N_("Entertainers, Scientists, Taxmen"),
FUNC_TAG(specialists) },
{ FALSE, 2, 1, "", N_("?Entertainers:E"), N_("Entertainers"),
FUNC_TAG(entertainers) },
{ FALSE, 2, 1, "", N_("?Scientists:S"), N_("Scientists"),
FUNC_TAG(scientists) },
{ FALSE, 2, 1, "", N_("?Taxmen:T"), N_("Taxmen"),
FUNC_TAG(taxmen) },
Shouldn't there be NULL instead of "" ?
Seems to be completly untested. (Or tested only on machines without