[Freeciv-Dev] stdin no more echoed to screen (PR#1854)
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Full_Name: Davide Pagnin
Version: 1.13.1-devel
Distribution: Don't know
Client: Both (or N/A)
Submission from: (NULL) (
I was working with rulesets, and found that the civserver on EXIT_FAILURE
don't restore properly the stdin.
In particular, if for any reason, the load of ruleset fail, with LOG_FATAL
message and subsequently exit, the terminal prompt you get back seems
normal, but anything you tupe isn't echoed to screen.
This is reproducible as you want, i.e., inside default/units.rulesets
change the firepower of one unit to 0, this will issue a FATAL error,
and you'll get the stdin scrambled.
The faulty server has readline enabled (so I don't know if without readline the
problem is still present) and is somewhat related to it, infact calling
rl_callback_handler_remove() before the exit(EXIT_FAILURE) solved the
I don't know how to proceed to fix this problem, calling
rl_callback_handler_remove() before any exit(EXIT_FAILURE) that can happen
in that part of the code is one possibility.
Another is to call the close_connections_and_socket() function, which
contains rl_callback_handler_remove().
Another is found another workaround, what is necessary is to have
sniff_packets properly remove the handler of readline before the
parsing of ruleset file and restoring it when is called again.
If any suggestion can come on this, I volunteer to make a patc following
the preferred solution
- [Freeciv-Dev] stdin no more echoed to screen (PR#1854),
nightmare <=