Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: May 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Chat Functionality with Jabber

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Chat Functionality with Jabber

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To: Mike Kaufman <kaufman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Chat Functionality with Jabber
From: Adam Theo <theo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 14:55:01 -0400

Mike Kaufman wrote:
On Thu, May 02, 2002 at 02:03:05PM -0400, Adam Theo wrote:

Hi all.

As soon as I realize I'm playing alot of FreeCiv, and then sign up to the developers list to see what I can do to help out in my spare time, my spare time disappears... I swear, there's some natural law that could be explained in a mathematical equation about this.

Anyways, I figure I can at least try to bring in one of my other hobbies to this project. Could anyone tell me about the chat functionality between players in FreeCiv? I assume it is a plaintext-based protocol that was home-grown to serve this need? I was told there are no docs on it, but was hoping an expert on the matter could tell me about it.

the code responsible is found in server/handchat.c
the client's code is found in client/gui-*/chatline.c

The message from a client is sent as a simple string: (from the gtk client)

 theinput = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(w));

  if (*theinput) {
    mystrlcpy(apacket.message, theinput, MAX_LEN_MSG-MAX_LEN_USERNAME+1);
    send_packet_generic_message(&aconnection, PACKET_CHAT_MSG, &apacket);

the server does all the parsing.

OK, excellent, I'll digest this over the next couple of days (I don't know C, so I'll have to grab a few fellow Jabber developers who do :-).

Is Jabber GPLed?

Jabber is a protocol only. And since protocols cannot be copyrighted, no, it is not GPL'ed. But that means it is inherently open and free, and the Jabber Software Foundation does not try to hoard the protocol specs or restrict others from using the Jabber protocol in any way, unlike AOL or Microsoft with their IM protocols. Now, the server implimentations. The Open Source [] one is GPL'ed, yes. The DotGNU team will be using it as the codebase for their Jabber protjects.

What sort of needed or desired functionality do you believe that jabber could bring that our current mechanism doesn't offer?

That is difficult since I don't know what the current chat protocol is capable of. That's why I was asking :)

But I'll have a nice list of features which Jabber can improve upon or add, I'm sure. Probably one of the biggest things Jabber can improve upon, in my guesstimation, is security over the wire. Jabber has a very good authentication now, and is probably leaps and bounds more secure than the home-grown protocol you have now (not to insult or anything, just theorizing).

even if jabber doesn't take off here, please stick around. pretty soon
here, I'm going to make a big push for updated documentation.
see for the sorry state of affairs :)

Certainly. As I said, I love FreeCiv, and love doing documentation  :)

    /\  Adam Theo, Age 22, Tallahassee FL USA
   //\\   Email & Jabber: theo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  //  \\  (Boycotting AOL, therefore no AIM or ICQ)
=//====\\=  Theoretic Solutions:
//  ||  \\     "Bringing Ideas Together"
    ||      Jabber Protocol:
    ||         "The Coolest IM on the Planet"
    ||  "A Free-Market Socialist Patriotic American
    ||      Buddhist Political Philosopher."

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