[Freeciv-Dev] Build Road To (And Build Rail To) [WishList] (PR#1193)
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Full_Name: Peter Cock
Version: 1.12.0
Distribution: Windows binary
Client: Both (or N/A)
OS: Windows 2000
Submission from: (NULL) (
Request: A new order for Settlers and Engineers - Build Road To.
Similar to the "Go To" order, pick another square (on the same land mass)and
then the settlers will build a road to that spot.
I assume that the "Go To" code is alreay aware of roads and railroads, and will
use these to work out the shortest route using existing infrastructure.
Once railroad tech is aquired, a similar "Build Railroad To" command should
become available.
Suggested keyboard shortcuts for the four commands (Build Road, Build Road To,
Build Railroad, Build Railroad To) the "r" key plus "shift" and "control" could
be used (preferably using the same bindings as in Civ III).
This does mean "R" (Shift + r) would not be available for "Revolution". Wasn't
the shortcut in Civ I "G" (Shift + g) for "Government Change"?
Second Idea: A "Build Infrastructure" variation on the automatic settler command
- the settler would be used to build roads and railroads BETWEEN cities only.
i.e. automatically linking cities together. Probably not worth doing (if build
road to is implemented) but maybe other people might like this idea - i.e. I
think this is a nice idea but very low priority.
- [Freeciv-Dev] Build Road To (And Build Rail To) [WishList] (PR#1193),
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