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[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Worklists, take II

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Worklists, take II

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To: Thue Janus Kristensen <thue@xxxxxxx>
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Worklists, take II
From: Corin Anderson <corin@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 10:25:12 -0800 (PST)

> If I edit a worklist and leave it empty by deleting all items the server says
> >1: received bad string in packet (type 18, len 80) from localhost

Hm.  I'll have a look at that.

> -Feature request: Persistent marking
> Fx when I select an item in a worklist, clicking "up" will move it up
> once all right, but it lose focus. It would be nice if it remained in
> focus, so that you could push up multiple times. Same goes for the
> down button.
> Also, when you have selected a position for inserting new items, after
> inserting one item the position is no longer marked, causing the next
> insertion to take place at the buttom. I would prefer if it remembered
> the position. In any case I think "delete" should remember the
> position.

Good idea.  I don't recall what the Gtk client does, but I know that the
Xaw client has this tendency to "forget" which item was selected.  I think
it's a widget thing -- when you insert or delete, you end up modifying the
clist that contains the worklist items.  When the clist gets modified, it
apparently deselects everything.

Nonetheless, I'll see if I can persuade the list to re-select the item
after an updated.  I agree -- it's annoying to have to click the item each
time you move up/down or insert.

> -Feature request: One list per city
> I am able to open multiple list windows for one city. If a list window
> allready exists, you should not get a new one, no?

Hm.  Yes, you're right -- the list window should be unique; at least, that
was my intention.  I'll have a look at fixing this.

> -Feature request: doubble-click inserts
> Let double-clicking on an item insert it into the build-list.

Tricky.  Very tricky.  I don't know how to hook double-clicks in Xaw or
Gtk.  Does anyone?  _Can_ it be done?

> -Feature request: let new cities start building from a worklist How
> about having an optional startup worklist, which will be used by new
> cities automatically. Maybe by having a check button in the global
> worklist editing window.

Yeah, this would be neat.  More generally, it would be nice if the client
allowed default city options to be established for new cities.  Then the
default worklist could be listed there.  Does the client allow for default
city options?  I don't change them much, so I've not dug around before.

> Is there any plans to display the content of the current worklist
> directly in the city window? That would be neat...

This is a (slightly) longer term interest.  I think it would be neat --
have a second list in the city dialog showing the worklist.  You'd
actually want to re-work the entire city dialog to support this change.
After all, you'd no longer need the Change button or the Current Target
label (or the Worklist button).  You could even have the city dialog
"style" be a city (or player?) option, so both the current dialog style
and this new style could be supported.  RL issues are going to diminish my
Freeciv development time for a while again, but I would like to see this


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