Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: November 1998:
Re:[Freeciv-Dev] Altenate map generator:

Re:[Freeciv-Dev] Altenate map generator:

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re:[Freeciv-Dev] Altenate map generator:
From: schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Peter Schaefer)
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 1998 16:50:48 +0100

Hello Peter,
>If one changes line 525 of mapgen.c to:
>      islands[x].starters=0+(2*islands[x].goodies)/(good/game.nplayers);

I've changed this function to work like this:
 reduce number of islands until the number of island goodies each player
 gets is not more than 4/3 that of another player.
 (that is not exact, but it's the idea.)

It's in the cvs version. patches are also reachable by
(tho' you might need more than one patch).

I think you'll be happy with this.
It should give fair starting positions; another point of unfairness is
that the player who is assigned an island first is more likely to start
in the center of the island; but I guess we can live with this ;-)

Peter Schaefer           mailto:schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     

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